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Cross faction perk for equipping gear

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Thought it would be a good ideal for a legacy perk that could only be bought with CC that allowed you equiped cross faction gear aka republic being able to wear imperial gear and jedi being able to wear sith gear.

This would futher give more options for sythn weavers and players to customize their characters from the cookie cutter norm look. Also many people think that both sides have armor that would look good on their opposite factional character.

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Thought it would be a good ideal for a legacy perk that could only be bought with CC that allowed you equiped cross faction gear aka republic being able to wear imperial gear and jedi being able to wear sith gear.

This would futher give more options for sythn weavers and players to customize their characters from the cookie cutter norm look. Also many people think that both sides have armor that would look good on their opposite factional character.


I would be behind this, especially if this would work with weapons too (IE gunslingers would be republic snipers) but I fear it would be too difficult to implement

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