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55 PvP Video


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Edit 6/7/2013

Hey guys so i play many diffrent characters and i upload pvp videos from all of them. I dont claim to be good but you wont see any clicking,backpedaling,or keyboard turning in any of these videos. If your interested in seeing sentinel videos i will continue to upate this thread as i upload more. Here are a few you might enjoy thanks for watching Feel free to comment with any suggestions or post your own videos here as well!


Individual Videos


1mil+ : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWuRa3QNCHg


1 Day Montage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=956KQPgRj7A


Voidstar 1500 DPS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1Whtf-WOAY




Playlist Full Of All Sentinel Videos:

Edited by TRENTakaBCAT
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i never played a sentinel so i don't know much..i know how smash rotation works because i have a guardian (defence though) and from the number i see on your video you seem in line with your class played at his correct range.

keybinding makes you better than 90% of melee anyway:p

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i never played a sentinel so i don't know much..i know how smash rotation works because i have a guardian (defence though) and from the number i see on your video you seem in line with your class played at his correct range.

keybinding makes you better than 90% of melee anyway:p


ya well im pretty rusty havent played in about 4-5 months just started up again a few days ago. My rotation isnt perfect and ive had a problem not timing my relics at the same time for a big smash but it will give me something to work on and improve! Kind of weird i had a 1980dps voidstar at lvl 53 my first game and once i hit 55 my best is 1710DPS. Still waiting to get in a game where i get to sit in the mid fight the whole game without having to swing to a node and help defend. Sentinels are still pretty fun i wish they would make watchman a tad bit better (not that its bad) but combat is my least favorite spec in the game and having another spec to alternate with would make the game more fun then just smash lol:rak_04:

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