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The Red Rose Syndicate [Mafia-Style Heavy RP Guild]


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Brief summary of the guild's previous activities:

It began with a small group of people dedicated to each other and credits. They understood what sort of business it took to ensure their own survival in this wartorn galaxy. Their exploits would become one of the many subjects of the whispers that floated about in the cantinas. Their names always left a sour taste for a Hutt and a rich flavor in their allies’. They understood that they were small in number, small in credits, and small in power. But they were not weighed down by the doubts or adversity. They still moved towards self-preservation through the means of credits.


It didn’t start with a single Rose. There never was a single Rose. It was all of them. They wanted to make it big. They wanted statues of themselves that were ten times bigger than what Karagga had. Was it a crime to try and live lavishly?


Armed with familial bonds only a Mandalorian clan would have, they started small time on Ord Mantell. They brokered a deal between the seperatists Forces and one of their partners. Goods were shipped to them periodically for their war and profits were made. Simple business. A product was bought, they acted as the distributors, the supplier supplied her goods and services.


Gathering resources and operating under a single name, these individuals gathered their Roses and headed to Tatooine. Allying themselves with protectors of the Outer-Rim, they began to work in general interest. They carved their mark into the sand firmly between the Twin Suns and the Exchange. For a time, skirmishes plagued the sandy wastelands.


The people of the desert planet found themselves with high-quality water at a very modest price. For a time, the Roses enjoyed prosperity. But arrogance blinded them to consequences as the economy of goods-providing changed drastically. Competition readjusted itself to fit the new variable and threat the Roses posed. The vast might of the Exchange and the Twin Suns came down upon them as well. Retreat was the only option. They saw it fit to leave and head for the diamond of Huttspace, Nar Shaddaa.


They touched down on Nar Shaddaa with blasters drawn and vibroblades out. The local gangs soon learned of the new kids on the block. Roses were periodically painted on the walls of the local gang turf. The paint was an all natural red. Blood.


During this time, the Roses gathered allies. But one of these allies would soon understand the cost of betrayal. Insults were thrown. Guns were drawn. Fire was rained. The traitors never knew what hit them. They would also never forget the price of betrayal. From this, the Roses learned something important: the ultimate currency of loyalty is blood spilled in its name and deception is the best tactic in war.


The fire put these individuals on a higher stage, and a spotlight was shined upon them. Interstellar travel became a staple in their business. New business relationships were formed. Incidents on Coruscant opened the door to having Imperial relations as well outlining who they would consider friend or foe. “Sometimes, it’s more about who you know than what you know”


Coruscant. Temporarily leaving their hideout on Nar Shaddaa, they ventured to Coruscant with a plan in mind. They would quietly pull the strings among the Capital’s underworld to create a business partnership with one of its more prominent organizations. In time, the Roses gained a stake and powerbase. The Republic Capital saw the birth of the most loyal of the Roses. He was the architect of this plan and proved his cunning time and time again. He became the central pillar to the Roses. With him on board, they began to move in an even stronger direction climbing out of their meager statuses to something more well-meaning.


This meant a reformation was in order and Roses walked out of the spotlight. Lately, they have returned to whispers once more. Something about a Court and Roses. The Rise of Hutts. The galactic rates of Criminal activity skyrocketing and the desire to carve out their names into the flesh of their enemies and secure their self-interests.


For the sake of the Family. For the sake of Credits. For the sake of Power.







Who can join the Family?


Anyone can join so long as they place loyalty to the Family as their supreme objective. In this galaxy of "kill or be killed" it becomes necessary to ban together with a group of like-minded individuals. Be it a clan, or political body, loyalty to one another, loyalty to a group necessitates survival as the group will reciprocate loyalty to you.


Therefore your character will have to understand the meaning of loyalty in order to join. For in the end, who else will be there to watch your back if not Family?




As far as classes are concerned, allow us to break it down...


Smugglers: Yes


Troopers: Yes


Jedi: No. By no, we mean if your character is affiliated with the Order or has been influenced by Jedi to the point where their morals hold some sort of parallel to the Order then we must decline you. We no doubt appreciate you considering to join us but we are a Criminal Outfit. Therefore we can't take in individuals such as these. This also bodes with those who are Sith.




We can take Force-sensitive individuals who are unaffiliated with neither-side or have renounced their ways of the Jedi and Sith orders. These individuals must understand that the Force should NOT be the main focus of their RP. The point of this is to show you all that the Roses hold loyalty to themselves only. We aren't interested in lending our strength to any-side when they haven't done anything for us.







-What faction can I find you guys on?

***We inhabit the Republic-side. However this means we hold no love for the Republic. Our alignment is neutral, we only lookout for ourselves and our interests.



-What is your main focus?

***Our main focus is Heavy RP. More specifically Criminal RP of the Mafia Niche. We base ourselves in Underworld Politics, Dirty Deals, and Grimey Wetwork.



-Where can I go to learn more about this "Space Mafia"?

***If you happen to be interested by all means head on over to our website!



-Who can I contact in-game?

***You can either contact Koldrax or Jehhad



-I want to join!

***Great! Shoot us an PM over our forums or PM us in-game or leave an app on our lovely website!

Edited by Maermaethor
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