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Speedrun is not standard anymore

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In the end, who got the most exp?


The players kiling nothing except a boss, completing 1% of the the flashpoint?




The players using exp perks, rested bonus, and exp potions. They are still getting the reward from completing the flashpoint and a extra shot at getting a nice piece of loot through the bonusboss. I have even seen level 55 need and equip those.


My conclusion is that however you look at it. The fastrunners get the comepletions, they kill a single boss qith 99% of the mobs skipped on the way.


There is nobody that can convince me that a speedrun killing only a few bosses has equal exp compared to those that do bonus, kill bonusboss and have a good time killing mobs on the way up to the bonus.


you missed out that player who will do speed run will complete flashpoint in 20 minutes or less (in most cases) can do 2 more before person who wanna kill everything finishes his first.

I don't mind killing bosses on the way (like BOI for example, 3 skippable bosses are so easy to kill as they are to skip, they are not so much of the stop) but doing extra kills that can be avoided just for bonus? please.. if I was full guild run and guy needed achievment, sure. he's my mate and I don't mind. jumping oops and hoops for some random person I just met and I will not see him again this month? :rolleyes:

3 speed runs will give more exp then one slow killing flash point. (unless you are solo que dps, then I understand you want 'all you can' from that one hour waiting for pop-but then again, that hour could be done exping on Makeb with 4 times better results in expierience)


Do a screenshot on start of the fight, note how much exp you have, kill everything and before last boss note the difference. now kill the boss, accept all quest rewards and compare it again. whole hour just seems wasted.


then again, there arent tat many FPs that can be skipped like that, only BOI (that is extreme skipping possible, or kill bosses on the way but skip as much trash as possible),BT (to some degree), some part of D7, and one annoying boss on boarding party (dind't see it once since 2.0 lol)

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Perhaps If you were not such a complaining tool - you would have acquired a group of friends to run you through FPs...SLOWLY.


And the most unconstructive post award will go to you :tran_grin:


I am legacy level 50, I have 15 characters on Makeb, I was there at launch and been playing those FPs until I see them in my sleep. Most of the time I am the one explaining strategies to the new players. Check your registration number, your is almost 4 million, mine is 80K.


This post is not about me, it is a reminder for those level 55 that jump in a flashpoint BELOW level 55 and starts bossing around assumig the only way to do this is a quickrun

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My basic point with this thread is as follows, if anyone did not get that:


* There are different options to sign up for in groupfinder, I think we all agree on that . If you do not know check it up.


* In the 55 hardmode flashpoints is is socially acceptable to skip mobs/bosses, however more and more tend to ask for bonus there too since it gives good loot.


* Below level 55 there is a option to sign up together with level 50 - 55. Anyone with atleast a decent hint of logic understands that there are differences between the levels. The 55 has hit his/hers maxcap with experience hence he/she does not not need it. The 55 has the right to sign up for the 50-55 flashpoint ofcourse but will hardly find any loot there compared to the 55 instance. So why does a 55 sign up for a sub par flashpoint? Well the reasons can be many, they might want to gear up a alt instead of playing with that character. They might be there because they do not undersstand 55 FPs and can by some reason no do them. The list goes long.


* Under level 55 , meaning level 50-54 we have different settnings. The character is outmost there to gear up, this is very important if it is a new level 50 without the start Tionese gear. It is no shame in entering a 50 - 54 if you have green gear, time will change and soon you can change that to a much better item.


Since Rise of the Hutt cartel the experience bar activated and it gave us a opportunity to enjoy the game while getting some experience points too. Some of the level 55s hit ther maxlevel by some kind of bug/exploit or whatever and has no clue how fun it can be to do a entire instance, like Illum.


So basilcy, keep in mind and even if your level 55 does not need gear or experience or even likes to have a good time......please respect those that do and want to have fun.


Flashpoints is a good way to level the character and if you do not like flashpoints 50-54 do not sign up for them.


Stay in the 55 bracket, I am sure you will find lots of players skipping every mob and their grandfather

Edited by Icestar
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Makes sense; if you could type correctly maybe you could teach in a university.


ESL or Shenanigans.


You honestly think my spelling and grammar are that important to me when I get home from work and write here on this forum.... not really.


I changed my post if it is so imporant for you, I do not teach up on the roof I am actually in a lecture hall.


My english is not bad, but there are always the grammarpolice that has to come and point things out.


I do agree that my spoken languages English, German, Russian and some Japanese are much appreciated at my lectures, plus my native language I prefer to keep a secret since i have no intention of telling you or anyone else for that matter.


Teaching is all about understanding what the student means and how he thinks. If I get a paper with bad spelling on I rather ask him personally how he thinks before I start to correct it.

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My basic point with this thread is as follows, if anyone did not get that:


* There are different options to sign up for in groupfinder, I think we all agree on that . If you do not know check it up.


* In the 55 hardmode flashpoints is is socially acceptable to skip mobs/bosses, however more and more tend to ask for bonus there too since it gives good loot.


Flashpoints is a good way to level the character and if you do not like flashpoints 50-54 do not sign up for them.


Stay in the 55 bracket, I am sure you will find lots of players skipping every mob and their grandfather


it was mentioned above, and I can't belive I have to explain it to person with ID in 80k, L55 hms it is not socially acceptable to skip stuff as bonus bosses drop 2 elite comms and give '69 grade loot'. you skip only what you don't have to kill to proceed


L50 flashpoints are not good way to level, makeb (or even 50-52 dailies) are far more better for it.


want to blame anyone for skipping? blame developers who made some flashpoints easy to skip, loot not worth a dime and a bonus boss who is to much pain for to little gain.

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it was mentioned above, and I can't belive I have to explain it to person with ID in 80k, L55 hms it is not socially acceptable to skip stuff as bonus bosses drop 2 elite comms and give '69 grade loot'. you skip only what you don't have to kill to proceed


Haha the ID was only a reminder that I have been around for along time, much longer before when the game launched.

L50 flashpoints are not good way to level, makeb (or even 50-52 dailies) are far more better for it.


want to blame anyone for skipping? blame developers who made some flashpoints easy to skip, loot not worth a dime and a bonus boss who is to much pain for to little gain.


We aggree that we dissagree, som like to do flashpoint and the value of having fun with 3 other mates then grinding alone is much better.


Anyway I think this post has actually payed off, met a dude last night that refered to this post and told his group that we can do the bonus if we like. Eventhouhgh I never told him I wrote it, I celebrated with a double laphroaig 18yrs in silence :tran_cool:

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Haha the ID was only a reminder that I have been around for along time, much longer before when the game launched.



We aggree that we dissagree, som like to do flashpoint and the value of having fun with 3 other mates then grinding alone is much better.


Anyway I think this post has actually payed off, met a dude last night that refered to this post and told his group that we can do the bonus if we like. Eventhouhg I never told him I wrote it, I celebrated with a double laphroaig 18yrs in silence :tran_cool:


I know, sorry, I just *had* to reffer to that ID thingy :p

if other 3 mates are having fun, there is nothing wrong in doing while FP, no argument there.

as for 3rd point, good for you. (did he say 'i've read speed run is not standard anymore, and if you guys want , I can do bonus boss if you want because Icestar changed my life and I'm better person now'? (that second part is to be treated as a joke), I often on BT ask 'you guys might need items, wanna do bonus droid?' as he is not much pain any ways. Usualy I get 'no, we want super speed run mate' tho...

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Idid he say 'i've read speed run is not standard anymore, and if you guys want , I can do bonus boss if you want because Icestar changed my life and I'm better person now'?.


Haha no, eventhough Icestar is a easy name to remember he only refered to the post, and I did not comment on it either since it is not the point. I only want to "wake some level 55s up"


There were no other posts on this forum discussing level 55s assuming speedrun, so he simply mentioned that he read it and gladly went along, and we had alot of fun doing it.

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Perhaps If you were not such a complaining tool - you would have acquired a group of friends to run you through FPs...SLOWLY.


Using capital letters indicated that you are of the "Speedrunner faction". And thus don't like what the original poster said.


Me, for example, I'm a story player. I play for the story, NOT for Commendations, gear or whatever.

And as a result of my playing style, I don't like "Speedrunners".

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Not really, the faster you complete the FP, (including bonus boss for comms), the faster you can run another FP.


This is not true for those that have to wait in groupfinder. A pop in the groupfinder can vary from 15 minutes to up over an hour,


Sorry mate, that statement might only be true if you got guildmates waiting in line for you to team,


The groupfinder works in another way, but I guess you already know that. Somedays tanks and healers have instant pop but even those classes experience downtime from time to time.


There are always exceptions that claim then have instant pop 24 hours of the day 7 days a aweek, but those are more like a myth then real persons.


The best way is to finish the flashpoint, it actually does not take that long extra and have alot of fun on the way.

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If you want combat XP, go kill stuff on your own on any appropriate planet.


Flashpoints are all about the bosses, loot and commendations - trash is ... well, trash, and should always be skipped if possible. It's simply not efficient use of the group's time to kill random mobs, unless every single group member wants to do so.

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If you want combat XP, go kill stuff on your own on any appropriate planet.


Flashpoints are all about the bosses, loot and commendations - trash is ... well, trash, and should always be skipped if possible. It's simply not efficient use of the group's time to kill random mobs, unless every single group member wants to do so.


Then tell me, why did not Bioware not construct a long tunnel with white or black walls and in the end of the tunnel there is a boss to be killed. Nowdays the bosses and mobkills even give achievement, I am above 5000 points and intend to get more.

I was 50 was when I did speedrun with 12 of my level 50s (I have 3 more now). It was fun at first but quickly became boring since therer were no risk at all takging.


I enjoy all flahshpoints no matter level. what matters is that we have fun

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So you expect others to clear an entire instance just so you can get get a bit more XP?


Sorry, it doesn't work that way. Only if the majority want to clear is that a valid point.


And if the entire group does want to clear, I'll just drop (even on my 50-54s) as I get better XP doing missions than killing trash. The XP I want from the FP all comes from the missions (FP mission, GF mission, terminal mission).


Actualy I do expect that to happen. BECAUSE if they want an atleast half assed healer for their 55 HM's then they need to help me level. Makeb is not that great on EXP either way.

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This is not true for those that have to wait in groupfinder. A pop in the groupfinder can vary from 15 minutes to up over an hour,


Sorry mate, that statement might only be true if you got guildmates waiting in line for you to team,



Either way you'll be waiting the same amount of time between runs. Its not like taking an extra 45 minutes to run the FP will make your next wait 45 minutes shorter. I don't follow your logic.





The best way is to finish the flashpoint, it actually does not take that long extra and have alot of fun on the way.

also please stop forcing your views of what you consider fun on other people. Just because you enjoy clearing trash doesn't mean the rest of the group or us have to.

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Either way you'll be waiting the same amount of time between runs. Its not like taking an extra 45 minutes to run the FP will make your next wait 45 minutes shorter. I don't follow your logic..


Some of the players seems to thnk "Ah it is not a speedrun" then they leave. If this is a tank or a healer it would severely prolong the waitingtime for a DPS: First the 45 minutes for the FP to PoP, and in worst case scenario a very very long time until the FP fills up with the players needed to do the flashpoint. 45 minutes is simply a measturement of how long it takes for a FP to pop for a DPS


also please stop forcing your views of what you consider fun on other people. Just because you enjoy clearing trash doesn't mean the rest of the group or us have to.


1. This post is not about clearing all trash, it is about asking to do something else then a speedrun. Do the bonus, take a few mobs on the way. NOT chase every mob in theinstance, there is no point in that.


2. This is a free forum and I write whatever I like unless it is against the guidelines, and this is not.

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Actualy I do expect that to happen. BECAUSE if they want an atleast half assed healer for their 55 HM's then they need to help me level. Makeb is not that great on EXP either way.


Flashpoints are great way to level, I have several beginning on Makeb that are level 51,52 or even 53

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Some of the players seems to thnk "Ah it is not a speedrun" then they leave. If this is a tank or a healer it would severely prolong the waitingtime for a DPS: First the 45 minutes for the FP to PoP, and in worst case scenario a very very long time until the FP fills up with the players needed to do the flashpoint. 45 minutes is simply a measturement of how long it takes for a FP to pop for a DPS




1. This post is not about clearing all trash, it is about asking to do something else then a speedrun. Do the bonus, take a few mobs on the way. NOT chase every mob in theinstance, there is no point in that.


2. This is a free forum and I write whatever I like unless it is against the guidelines, and this is not.

At the end of the day, you are making these threads becuase you're tired of pretty much everyone speed running. That means it is still standard, even if you may think it shouldn't be, and you multiple times claim that if 1 person doesn't want to du a full while the rest do, they can leave.

The same applies to you in reverse though. If everyone else want to speed run, you should drop if you're not up for that.

Honestly, there is a really simple soloution - just announce in general on fleet that you want to do this. All the other people that supposedly agree with you and are just as tired of the speed runs will then quickly join in.


Flashpoints are great way to level, I have several beginning on Makeb that are level 51,52 or even 53

The 53 would already be 55 if you spent that time on makeb, and likely the 52 too.

I have leveled several chars doing only FPs, warzones and class missions just because I'd rather do them than go trough the planet quests again, but I am fully aware (and it's VERY noticeable) that those chars level a LOT slower than the chars I just clear the planets with.

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At the end of the day, you are making these threads becuase you're tired of pretty much everyone speed running. That means it is still standard, even if you may think it shouldn't be, and you multiple times claim that if 1 person doesn't want to du a full while the rest do, they can leave.

The same applies to you in reverse though. If everyone else want to speed run, you should drop if you're not up for that.

Honestly, there is a really simple soloution - just announce in general on fleet that you want to do this. All the other people that supposedly agree with you and are just as tired of the speed runs will then quickly join in. .


Here is were you are wrong, you may assume I think this way but I do not.


My post is aimed to those level 55 to read even BEFORE they enter a flashpoint below level 55. To keep in mind that thngs are not the way it used to be where 99.9999% of all heroics contained skipping all mobs possible and even the bosses. The only boss that were killed was the final boss in one FP but Bioware changed that a few patches ago.


Even Bioware is not that fond of mobskipping and bosskipping and it is can be noticed in the recent created flashpoints.


The 53 would already be 55 if you spent that time on makeb, and likely the 52 too.

I have leveled several chars doing only FPs, warzones and class missions just because I'd rather do them than go trough the planet quests again, but I am fully aware (and it's VERY noticeable) that those chars level a LOT slower than the chars I just clear the planets with .


I am well aware how Makeb works, I havde 14 characters playing there at different levels.


I still enjoy the challenges a flashpoint can provide and it can also be good learning for those that has no clue how to play the game.


I have never been kicked for wanting to do the bonus after I have explained to players what it is. Some players seems to think iti is "clear out every mob in the instance" and that is ofcourse wrong.


I will take a good flashpointrun with cool members killing stuff and do bonus any day then grinding alone on Makeb

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I will take a good flashpointrun with cool members killing stuff and do bonus any day then grinding alone on Makeb


Who says you cannot group with cool members on Makeb? You are pretty close minded and stubborn, in my opinion. You claim to have 14 characters L50+ if I understood you correctly, which means you clearly have too much time on your hands, especially if you leveled them by slower means. Also, if you have 14 characters that are level 50+, you should be bored of the 'old' content which means naturally you should be looking to group with people on Makeb to experience the 'new' content. Your posts just don't add up. Almost seems like you are making stuff up with every post you make on these forums.

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Who says you cannot group with cool members on Makeb? You are pretty close minded and stubborn, in my opinion. You claim to have 14 characters L50+ if I understood you correctly, which means you clearly have too much time on your hands, especially if you leveled them by slower means. Also, if you have 14 characters that are level 50+, you should be bored of the 'old' content which means naturally you should be looking to group with people on Makeb to experience the 'new' content. Your posts just don't add up. Almost seems like you are making stuff up with every post you make on these forums.

Other than Heroics, tell me anything you can do on Makeb with a group that isn't so easy you could sleepwalk through it? Most everything is tuned for solo+companion.


The main reason I don't group up while leveling (except for Herics and Flashpoints) is because the gameplay becomes God-mode.


I love playing in a group, but only when it's at least somewhat challenging.

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Other than Heroics, tell me anything you can do on Makeb with a group that isn't so easy you could sleepwalk through it? Most everything is tuned for solo+companion.


The main reason I don't group up while leveling (except for Herics and Flashpoints) is because the gameplay becomes God-mode.


I love playing in a group, but only when it's at least somewhat challenging.


You really think the L50 flashpoints are challenging? EVen somewhat? I don't. They were not even challenging at L50. They were only challenging before they were nerfed and when people were in sub-tionese gear. The only exception was Kaon and LI at certain points, but even those were not that difficult. But I'll grant you that LI would provide a pug a big challenge.


The main point I am trying to make is that it seems odd to think Makeb is super easy while trying to insinuate that the L50 flashpoints are challenging. They are not challenging unless you go out of your way to make them such. Which, would also apply to Makeb.

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Other than Heroics, tell me anything you can do on Makeb with a group that isn't so easy you could sleepwalk through it? Most everything is tuned for solo+companion.

Isn't it the point of "normal" content to be tuned to solo+companions? Heroics ARE the group-tuned content. That is how it is everywhere.

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You really think the L50 flashpoints are challenging? EVen somewhat? I don't. They were not even challenging at L50. They were only challenging before they were nerfed and when people were in sub-tionese gear. The only exception was Kaon and LI at certain points, but even those were not that difficult. But I'll grant you that LI would provide a pug a big challenge.


The main point I am trying to make is that it seems odd to think Makeb is super easy while trying to insinuate that the L50 flashpoints are challenging. They are not challenging unless you go out of your way to make them such. Which, would also apply to Makeb.

Fair point. With a full group of 4, an L50 flashpoint is a breeze. Especially with people that know what they're doing in vent.


But as far as content goes, I would think twice about running a flashpoint solo unless I had a lot of time on my hands. Makeb, on the other hand, can be solo'ed in average gear. In other words, flashpoints are designed to be run with a group, planetary quests are designed to be run solo.


If someone likes the "M" part of MMO, likes flashpoints, wants to level, has already seen Makeb, and is interested in killing the bosses (as opposed to a speed run) it seems a perfectly valid approach. Most of the bosses in Battle of Ilum can be skipped. I'm not talking trash. Bosses. I've skipped them so many times, I practically forgot what it was like to fight them.


I ran that flashpoint on one of my toons right after 2.0 dropped. We had the idea to kill all the bosses, everyone agreed, and it was actually fun. After so many speed runs, the novelty here was actually running the flashpoint. Two of the players in the group had never done the bonus boss EVER. For them, it was practically new content. ;)


Now, I would never push this on anyone who wasn't interested. But is it so odd that someone is coming to forums saying, "Hey, don't automatically expect everything to be a speedrun when queuing for L50 HM FPs?"

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Now, I would never push this on anyone who wasn't interested. But is it so odd that someone is coming to forums saying, "Hey, don't automatically expect everything to be a speedrun when queuing for L50 HM FPs?"


I see where you are coming from and maybe I don't see it the same way as the OP because I almost always run with my guild mates and the reason is because the general skill level and maturity of people that PUG is rather low.


That said, I find Makeb a lot more fun because the AI is much better. They will interupt you based on skills that you use! That doesn't happen anywhere else currently. It makes the AI seem more 'human' when it actually interupts your pulse cannon. I was the biggest cynic of Makeb. In fact, I didn't pre-order because I had low expectations. But I am extremely impressed. It truly brought new life into the game. How long will that last? No idea. But for now, Makeb is great. I just can't bare the thought of doing the older content...

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