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Low fps with a GTX 680. Can anyone help? :(


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Alright, so I have an EVGA gtx 680 and an i7 3770k and an SSD. I sometimes drop to 35-40ish fps in cities like dromund kaas and my fps meter is almost always red. So I read that it was my graphics card so I used msi afterburner and found out that my gpu load is only 50% MAX if I'm lucky. It's usually around 30-45ish. I'm pretty sure it should be around 70% at the least. I can play battlefield 3 on all ultra and almost never dip below 60 fps and the gpu load is around 90% while playing that. So what's the problem with SWTOR and how can I fix it? Also, when I turn shadows off completely I get 60 fps with vsync. But I think my gtx 680 should be able to handle the shadows on this game... or am I wrong? Please help :(
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This seems to be normal for many, if you look back for other post on video performance. I was running a 5670 and the game ran great with shadows off, but all other details on full, including max FSAA. However, this weekend my new 7850 came in, there is no difference in the performance for the most part other then shadows on, but no noticeable difference. Places crowded, like fleet, still make things stutter. Many say its the engine, and at this point there is not much evidence to support anything else being the problem.
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Oh that's good to hear then. I know alot of people are saying that low end pcs are sometimes getting way better performance than high end pcs but I'm glad to hear that it actually seems to be true. Thanks for the reply! I guess I'll just play with shadows off :D
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This is quite odd because I have a GTX 680 ti with an i7 3770k, 24gigs of ram, ssd drive and my setup literally eats this game for breakfast with shadows on and max settings. The only time I get slight hiccups or a drop in frame rate is when I am on the fleet.


35-40fps is not that bad though for you if it drops there sometimes. I don't even see how that is noticeable, it's when you drop under 30fps is when you can really start to notice.

Edited by Denerio
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I have the same setup and I've been folling around for quite some time now with various ingame and outside settings to smooth the performance a bit. This is what I've done right now to keep it running smoothly:


Before starting the game do the following:

- Get the RivaTuner with the 3DOverride tool. Make 3DOverride start up at Windows boot and select both swtor.exe (its in the swtor/retailclient folder) and launcher.exe and set vsync and trible buffering to "ON".

- In your Nvidia Control Panel (right click on desktop), select Manage 3D Settings, Global Settings and change the following: Maximum pre-rendered frames: 1, Multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration: Single display performance mode, Power management mode: "Prefer maximum performance and" Texture Filtering - Quality: "High Performance", Trible Buffering: "ON" and Vertical Sync: "ON".

- Right click on launcher.exe and swtor.exe and select Windows XP Service Pack 3 for compatility mode.


Ingame set all settings to maximum except shadows and set the maximum visible objects to "LOW" (the bottom left option). Turn shadows "OFF" if you are still having FPS/sturrering issues.


I went a little futher and installed the Old Republic Unleashed so I can throw some of the most used file-assets into the RAM and trick the game into thinking its reading it from the SSD.


With this setup I get 50+ in most situations, but sometimes on fleet or in Warzones I get a alot of stuttering and FPS loss (only for 4-5 sec at a time). But everywhere else, its pretty smooth.

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This is normal for TOR OP, this game kind of sucks in this general area sadly, especially Nvidia products.


Why say all nvidia products, i run 560 ti oc2's in sli, everything on max and my average frames is 60-80 fps.

Edited by Shingara
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  • 2 months later...

I have the same problem with a Nvidia 670GTX, 8GB Ram, Intel 3570k and a SSD.


First planets even with shadows on doesnt give any problems but overall there are alot of places especially in Makeb but also other worlds where the FPS drops down with shadows on.


I looked how much it drops and I was surprised that its mostly just something to 40+ fps BUT it always feels that its like 20 FPS. Something here is really wrong with the game and the feel of it.


If I turn off shadows and set complexity to very low it runs fine but looks like crap, it has no atmosphere anymore :(.


There are worlds / places that runs fine with shadows on max but then half of places / worlds runs like crap. This is especially annoying in PvP in addition with the bugged, choppy camera.


And then devs wondering why they never succeed as much as WoW. You know SWTOR could have been the next super MMO, really but you know why so many ppls go back to WoW ? Especially if you play PvP you wont take such things for long, its just annoying and nearly not really playable at a high lvl skill.


Not even one gosh darn MMO yet have managed to play real fluid as WoW, I dont get it. And I dont mean by FPS, cameras are bugged / choppy / slow, delay lag on skills or not playing skills at all but still getting GCD etc. Debuffs / buffs are not seperated in a good way like in WoW, you cant tell fast enough who you have targeted, you cant click on NPCs / players because the hitbox is so small.


Ok sorry I went "a bit" offtopic sorry but Iam a bit pissed here, SWTOR couild have been so great but yet they failed somewhat again because they took all energy to put in voices for all sidequests, main story would have been enough.


/rant off.

Edited by CrusherMAIK
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