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Vixens of Blood and Mercy are recruiting


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Greetings fellow beings of the republic, I thought I would write a post to let you know that our guild "vixens of blood and mercy" are looking to recruit new members! We are a social RP guild and really enjoy doing pvp/pve, especially endgame content. we are a small guild but growing fast! if these aspects of our guild interest you and your a female force using character who also enjoys a friendly chat, please whisper me in game or a fellow vixen called Amnell. My in game character is called Ronania, and I bet a few people know her as a really good healer! If you need further info please check out our website http://www.vixens.enjin.com.


May the force be with you,


Ronania, x

Edited by greyhoundlady
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Wow :) Thank you, Ronania, for posting this.


Hey everyone, this is Amnell. I just wanted to add a few infos about our ROLEPLAY. :)


We are, as Ronania already said, an all female force user guild.


Our Order of Blood and Mercy has sort of evolved from a Nightsister Clan and uses both the shamanistic teachings of the Witches of Dathomir as well as the (in our eyes) more modern Jedi ways and even some of the Sith beliefs.


This is why our Master-Padawan pairings always combine two sisters of opposite alignment. A dark Master will have a light Padawan and viceversa. This way they constantly challenge themselves, their beliefs and their practice to achieve the wisdom of balance.


Speaking of which: With the Sisters of Blood and Mercy it is all about balance.

No light without shadow. No peace without passion. No blood without mercy.

We reach out with our feelings to find the cracks in the webbing of the force and follow the currents of its flow. Sometimes to enforce the light and others to lend our saber to darkness - always knowing that the concepts of good and evil are an artificial categorization and subject to perspective.


Our Sisterhood Roleplay is still in it's beginnings and currently mostly about the rebuilding of the Order and finding the right Master-Padawan combinations (including force-bonding rituals and trials).

We hold Initiation Rituals periodically to welcome our new sisters and are looking for interested roleplayers to join the "RP Storylining Department" where we strive to plot a continuous (and of course breathtaking) Sisterhood RP (which currently takes place every Saturday, starting 19:00 GMT).


Hope this could awaken some interest. :)


But even if you are just a casual gamer or not so much into RP, the Sisterhood is just a bunch of charming, funny and very friendly people. If you are such a specimen yourself, you will probably find us a good place to come.


If you are grumpy and like to be mean and inappropriate in chat, please stay away, lol. (I would like to see the guild, that specifically asks for this.)


Have fun and may the balance be with you,


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