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How does full immortal perform in Pvp right now?


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I play full immortal in pvp and it can be fun although hard work as long as your not hoping to rack up the damage or own enemy players like some of the fotm class's.


I do enjoy playing it but personally I wouldn't advise it as a main for pvp but as a change of pace from playing a healer or dps.


If you accept all that and stick to your roll as objective/healer guard or crowd control/debuffer you can have some fun such as jumping into a crowd of enemy players and area stunning/snaring/damage reducing or armor reducing before leaping back out and guarding your healer or other friendly target again.


I normally do ok in 1v1 fights but its always hard work due to the lack of any hard hitting ability but with the higher defense we have it takes some of the pressure off the need to act quickly giving you more time to think about your next interrupt or cc as this is the best way do ware down your opponent making sure your deny there hard hitting ability's.


I should point out that my Jugg has only just reached lv55 and is in the process or being re-geared aka no augments and still some lv50 WH gear left to replace.


PS, its always fun to throw in a little /dance while there trying there hardest to beat you down :)

Edited by nkitch
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The loss of unstoppable really hurts... but immortal is performing wonderfully otherwise!!


I find that I am surviving more (lower cds on invincible and saber ward, and very low cd on reflect, which is awesome). Juggs have always had many defensive cooldowns, which really helps our ability to ride out simultaneous heavy bursts. I also do a heck of a lot more damage than pre-2.0, mostly due to the increased rage.


Of course your priority should be objectives and then protection, and as a jug, you have more protection abilities than other tanks (intercede, and sonic wall).

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