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Time to see the signs telling me not to play SWTOR?


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To the OP


The main issues I see is that you lost your character names twice, which I empathise with. I also had to rename 8/10 characters when we got merged, as well as my legacy name.


I didn't like that at all.


The second part I see is not feeling welcome back in the game. I have mixed feelings about that. Of course you will run into people when using the group finder or pug otherwise and they will want to beat content rather than carrying some complete stranger. I think the expectation level you have there of people in general is not realistic, no matter which game you'd be playing.


Now luckily this game doesn't require you to farm dailies for 2 months to get gear, but as much as you feel others should behave a certain way, I believe it has to come from both sides. If you haven't played for some time in a MMO, don't just jump into endgame content but find out what the status of gear is compared to yours. Inform yourself. You may get some comments in general chat or the forum but there will be someone there willing to help you. Look for a guild saying that you need some help getting back into it. I personally don't feel it's fair when a player quits and comes back and puts the responsibility on other players. You could've done a bit more to prepare yourself or warn other players before going into it. Just asking some questions here or on general chat can clear up a lot and just ignore the "you're a noob" comments.


I also quit for a few months and it had to do with the merges and loss of names. I came back a few months later and I realised I needed to gear up some and limited myself to content I was geared up for. I am not that hardcore so it took me some time and in fact 2.0/Makeb was a great way for me to start over and all that. It was a bit of a reset really.


My point is, it's not signs telling you to not play SWTOR, but perhaps the signs are telling you that perhaps your approach to coming back to the game was not succesful and that you could've done things better from your side. I am not saying those guys were unfriendly: they were, but it happens. But even though their method was wrong, you might want to consider that somewhere they might have a point indirectly and that you could've done some things from your side as well. MMO's are not the type of game generally that you can drop for months and then come back expecting to pick up where you left off. I think that's the biggest mistake you made in all this.


For me the bottom line is that with all of the issues that might exist (and they do) I just love being in game and doing stuff in the SWTOR universe. I like my toons (with new names as it had to be) and I enjoy the variety of activities that exists enough that I can play hours each day without getting bored. That's me.


For you the best thing is to decide how you feel about the world and your characters and then find some helpful people or guild even where you fit in more and can get the support you need. That would be my suggestion :)

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