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Looking for Empirial Guild


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Old player starting over after I haven't been on in awhile and I'm looking for a guild that is: Mature, does PVP, OPS, FPs, works together, friendly, and doesn't put the number of members in their guild over the quality of members.

Got a LVL 16-17 Lightning Spec, DPS Sorc. that I just started yesterday. Had a LVL 30 Rauder but he was west coast and I had to make the switch the East Coast from Lag issues. Give me a shout on here or in-game over the weekend. Character name is De'Dracon.

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Feel free to check out The Art of Warfare's <Empire of TAW>. We have a healthy-sized population and each of our members is required to go through a serious of steps in the onboarding process to ensure quality. Check out my signature for more information or email me at Zoloft@taw.net if you have further questions.
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