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Criticize my pvp build


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Here's a link to my build:




My goal is to provide maximum utility to the team while still being viable as a damage dealer. I'm fully dps geared and augmented except for the offhand (shield).


I have been having pretty good results so far as I'm doing extremely well in node guarding and 1v1 situations as well as being durable under fire.


I welcome all suggestions and feedback that could improve this build.


On a sidenote, I see a lot of infiltration shadows doing great damage. Will my team benefit more from an infil shadow or should I keep this build ? They seem great for quick node stealing and overall damage but I'd appreciate some feedback as to their survivability.

Edited by Pathlight-
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I think you should go up kinetic combat all the way.


Having slow time, makes getting 3 stacks of harnessed shadows such a more quick thing to do, which means more self heals and better damage over time. That build isn't so much a bursty spec, but I find it does have it's moments. I run a similar build myself, and having the frontal maul (shadow strike) really helps in tandem with wither (slow time).


This is my build:




Testing it out in the den, has had quite a bit of success, whether this is due to other people's gear and whatnot, it is hard to tell, but it has made it a fun build.


I don't put anything in shadow's respite, because I find the force regen sufficient enough (though I do wish it was better). However you can move the 2 points from celerity to psychokinesis if you prefer it that way. I also run with a shield and until I get to finishing min maxing, I'll be running everything with dps mods, so I'll have the minimum (but noticeable) amount of mitigation.


I also could have put the point from mental fortitude to shadow's shelter, however having a giant beacon on the ground isn't what I always want to have. If I were playing rated, I might be more inclined to spec into it, however, healers are already buffed up now, so it may be a waste of points.


In the end though it depends on play style. Darkness for me, is more for group denial and annoyance as well as sustained damage, while deception is more annoyance and bursting in 1 vs 1 situations. Madness, in the right hands can be a good spec, it's the smash of the sith inquisitor's tree, but people have complained that due to the loss of a maul proc, it's no longer as viable a tree.


As my spec, the hardest class to face against is still another assassin, other classes are generally manageable, though of course depending on how well the player is, playing it.

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I think you should go up kinetic combat all the way.


Having slow time, makes getting 3 stacks of harnessed shadows such a more quick thing to do, which means more self heals and better damage over time. That build isn't so much a bursty spec, but I find it does have it's moments. I run a similar build myself, and having the frontal maul (shadow strike) really helps in tandem with wither (slow time).


This is my build:




Testing it out in the den, has had quite a bit of success, whether this is due to other people's gear and whatnot, it is hard to tell, but it has made it a fun build.


I don't put anything in shadow's respite, because I find the force regen sufficient enough (though I do wish it was better). However you can move the 2 points from celerity to psychokinesis if you prefer it that way. I also run with a shield and until I get to finishing min maxing, I'll be running everything with dps mods, so I'll have the minimum (but noticeable) amount of mitigation.


I also could have put the point from mental fortitude to shadow's shelter, however having a giant beacon on the ground isn't what I always want to have. If I were playing rated, I might be more inclined to spec into it, however, healers are already buffed up now, so it may be a waste of points.


In the end though it depends on play style. Darkness for me, is more for group denial and annoyance as well as sustained damage, while deception is more annoyance and bursting in 1 vs 1 situations. Madness, in the right hands can be a good spec, it's the smash of the sith inquisitor's tree, but people have complained that due to the loss of a maul proc, it's no longer as viable a tree.


As my spec, the hardest class to face against is still another assassin, other classes are generally manageable, though of course depending on how well the player is, playing it.


Thank you for your feedback. I since moved to this and find it even better:



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Thank you for your feedback. I since moved to this and find it even better:




I though a major proc for tank dows was particle acceleration matched with upheaval? Seems like putting only one point in upheaval hurts this.


BTW, why are you point in the Sin forums? ;)

Edited by Toasted_Coconuts
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I though a major proc for tank dows was particle acceleration matched with upheaval? Seems like putting only one point in upheaval hurts this.


BTW, why are you point in the Sin forums? ;)


You're right. I'm however confused at to what to sacrifice to get this. As for the post's location, I made the same in the shadows's subforum so as to get more replies quicker.

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