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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What gear to wear in WZs


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With all the TTK threads and conflicting info maybe it would be easier if we discuss what you should wear in WZs for everyone to be optimal ATM. I know this info is scattered amongst other threads but I don't know wave others have found the most effective.


So for 30-54 what are people equipping or not?

55 WZs?


This hopefully will clear confusion.



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For my 54 Kinetic Combat Shadow that didn't bother with the WH / EWH grind pre-2.0, I just used a ton of Planetary comms to pick up all the lvl 50 mods I needed from the Makeb Planetray comms vendor to fill my hard-earned Gree outfit. I've noticed that I consistently have 1k- 2k more health than most if not all other pug-players in Warzones and I'm not ecen fully augmented yet. I have no expertise except for the little bit from the Artifacts, earpiece, and implants I still need to replace which I'll probably do with Basic or Classic comms. As I get more gear from FPs I just pull out the mods that I want to improve (careful with the armoring slot as it will bind to the armor piece type, i.e. Head, Hand, Feet, etc.)
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