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Disappointed on how the story is going!


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Remember that there is over a thousand years of empty space to fill, for all we know the conflict with the Sith Empire lasts centuries alternat between hot and cold wars of various length. We don't even know it results in total defeat for the Empire, just that the Sith themselves disappear.


Total speculation, for all we know the Imperial Military ends up overthrowing the Sith and integrating with the Republic to finally end the war. Or they could be totally wiped out. Or they could win and integrate into the republic that way.


Point is just because the good guys are winning now doesn't mean it will continue and blaming Disney for it is just plain stupid.

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Remember that there is over a thousand years of empty space to fill, for all we know the conflict with the Sith Empire lasts centuries alternat between hot and cold wars of various length. We don't even know it results in total defeat for the Empire, just that the Sith themselves disappear.


Total speculation, for all we know the Imperial Military ends up overthrowing the Sith and integrating with the Republic to finally end the war. Or they could be totally wiped out. Or they could win and integrate into the republic that way.


Point is just because the good guys are winning now doesn't mean it will continue and blaming Disney for it is just plain stupid.


The story is great but let's be honest now have they added anything to the story ?

To the companion storylines ? It's such a shame since there stll quite a few holes to fill or maybe I'm wrong and they added something in the digital expention.

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The Republic may win, but at great cost. Most of us Imps knew that when we signed on. Being disappointed is pointless---it's all about making the Republic tremble before we fall.


Besides, this is just wrong. Why be disappointed that there's a little tension? It's only logical that the Empire would suffer with all of its inner turmoil lately. You act like it's the definite beginning of the end for the Empire, but this makes no sense. The Empire has a long way to go yet. The way I see it, let all the overly ambitious, downright evil Sith destroy each other. A stronger Empire will rise from the ashes, because it will be led by those who put the interests of the Empire above all else, and who put strong tactics before opportunistic power-grabbing.


Nicely said.


Total speculation, for all we know the Imperial Military ends up overthrowing the Sith and integrating with the Republic to finally end the war. Or they could be totally wiped out. Or they could win and integrate into the republic that way.


This too.

Edited by Bytemite
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Just because Disney is now in control doesn't mean that we have to deal with more fairy tale good guys always win nonsense.


1) Dude you are missing the point. Just because I don't know what Once Upon a time is doesn't mean that I hate Pirates or marvel super heroes. What I meant by Disney garbage is things like prince and princess fairy tales, Hannah Montana and you can probably figure out the rest. Don't get me wrong, Disney have great things like the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, but things like Enchanted or Hannah Montana movies makes me nauseous and leave me with an upset stomach.


Disney is a love/hate attitude that differs from people and when you read tittles like "Once upon a time" you can't help but to think prince/princess lame stories. It's just my personal perception I didn't mean to offend you if you like the show or Disney for that matter.


I don't know why you think Disney had any impact on any part of the story.


Makeb's storyline was written long before the DIsney purchase of the franchise, but even aside from that alot of the stuff/deaths that you're complaining about happen in the vanilla game which was written years ago, so why are you bringing DIsney into this at all?


Also I don't know why you keep saying The Emperor is dead when there's multiple references to him still being alive.


2) The republic lost one, "One", the empire lost the emperor, Darth Malgus, Darth Angral, Darth Baras, Darth Thanaton, Darth Decimus and the list goes on. See the pattern here?




Of the 5 characters you named, 2 of them were replaced by better, more powerful characters who accomplished alot more in a shorter amount of time than their predecessors did.


I'm talking about...



The Sith Inquisitor and the Sith Warrior. They are much more of hero characters than Thanaton and Baras, especially since they're your character(s)


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This is why Star Wars games, at least MMOs, should all be set on an alternate timeline, it would give Devs and Story Writers a big development freedom, and if wanted, pick some bits of it and insert it in canon.

That's the biggest flaw in Star Wars games, no matter what you choose to do, you already know how everything is going to happen.

Edited by RickShan
Avoiding grammar nazis flame
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This is why Star Wars games, at least MMOs, should all be set on an alternate timeline, it would give Devs and Story Writers a big development freedom, and if wanted, pick some bits of it and insert it in canon.

That's the biggest flaw in Star Wars games, no matter what you choose to do, you already know how everything is going to happen.

False, at least for SWTOR. We have no idea what i going to happen other than the Republic survives/revives in some form.

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