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14/f/cali..and yourself..


"who are you" phrase typical of a kid so are you some kind of royalty in swtor..since we need a name basis to speak with you..oh great one..


please people can speak for themselves but if you want to play the hero go ahead..trying to not be rude or start any trouble..


He didn't ask you your A/S/L. Nice attempt at deflecting the issue. He asked for your in-game name, which you are trying way too hard to hide.


So, what's your in-game toon, and what guild are you in?


Generally, if you are going to call out specific players and guilds, you should identify yourself first. This has nothing to do with "royalty" or other bull statement you made. It is about having some common courtesy and letting people know the identity of their accuser.


Or continue to hide. I'll just ask Takky in-game and post on the forums.

Edited by iheartnyc
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Mr. Scold Humperdinkle how are you doing this fine day or evening...your statement i can't really buy, here's the reason i feel different..


basically according to your statement all the pubs and imps that come on fourms and brag i have a 3k-4k rwz ratings..we are the best top 20 swtor in the world etc..what makes you guys the best PVP'ers is because yall know how to fight in a group and not hold your own alone if a challenge present itself to you..


i use me for this example..i play a deception sin..we all can agree basically in that spec our openers can be brutal once we spike you because we have alot of options from there to burst you down..so the imbalance im guessing is because sins use stealth and some classes dont so they will have a tactical advantage in terms..


ok if i open up on a sage for example..if he running tk spec once i follow up with maul..usually his bubble will pop stunning me giving him time to force sprint away..now understand my class is most effective within 4-10 meters where a sage have 35 meters to work around..


if he running full balance if i spike him and follow up with maul if i get a crit for 9k (which is very rare) he still have options to get away..mainly eat the spike take the maul..use a stun force sprint away from me..follow up with force slow and spam tk throw which slows you on every tick..


i have a few options to get to him..i can force shroud which only last 3 seconds.if i do start to close in he can cast force slow spam tk throw..if he want hit me with sever force which will freeze me for 2 seconds he should do this when his force sprint is up..rinse and repeat..


i can go on but you get the general idea..if i open up on a slinger they have a kb that put a root on me then they can burn me down from range..a jugg can force push me off of him..mara can stealth out force choke me and he have defensive cd's or mezz me..commandos even have options to get away from me..


i gave a few examples i'm sure they are others..so where is the imbalance at toward a sin when every class can actually avoid..the imbalance comes from human error meaning a class is only imbalanced by the person who is playing it..alot of people dont think about this when a sin opens up on them alot goes into panic mode and forget the basics..


is this from the classes being imbalanced..it's the human factor of being caught by surprise not knowing what to do in the situation..so calling the classes imbalanced towards each other is kind of false..what makes a class imbalanced is the person behind the toon..you can have the best gear and play the best fotm but if you dont know how to play the class you gonna fail..


basically this is how i feel claases are not imbalanced toward 1 vs 1 battles..cause every class pretty much have a counter to other classes..it is the person playing the class to know this cause the toon cant play itself..it been like this with every other mmo around..it will always be around the human factor which determines it all..


think i went to long on this post so im done..now Mr.Scold i throw the ball in your court enlighten me..


Wayyyyyyu tldr. Why would you spend so much time writing something no one cares about.

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He didn't ask you your A/S/L. Nice attempt at deflecting the issue. He asked for your in-game name, which you are trying way too hard to hide.


So, what's your in-game toon, and what guild are you in?


Generally, if you are going to call out specific players and guilds, you should identify yourself first. This has nothing to do with "royalty" or other bull statement you made. It is about having some common courtesy and letting people know the identity of their accuser.


Or continue to hide. I'll just ask Takky in-game and post on the forums.


ok..well for one yall say the guy dont speak english so now you gonna ask him in english unless you are japanese..nother thing i didnt go at your guild or made insults to nobody..i have something to say i direct it to the person only..why i made sure in my post i said i careless about the crap people say about your guild thats not my business,,


lastly trying to hide if you i said my name to many times in my earlier post and you been reading my name the whole while..like i said before human error the same as people playing there class and losing..if you read before you actually speak then you would had answered your own question..


lastly i see where this is about to go and im not gonna play the insult game with anyone..to old for that lifestyle..so i be the bigger person here and end it..i careless about what you or your guild do..if you want to fight in a group or solo your choice..sad to say people think pvp is just a zerg fest and not ones own talent..


sad to say swtor fail hard in this aspect.so i just wait until a game come along that get the pvp concept correct..when alot of you have to actually fight on your own without guards and pocket heals then you will find out how good you really are..


no sense in going on with this dicussion..everybody gonna have here opinion and you have the right to play this game how you want..so good times i done with this..comment all you want my last post on this matter or anybody concerning this topic..

Edited by Xertasian
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u is about dumb as your are on your sent..my name hell what am i trying to hide..you been reading my name the whole while..like i have to run from you..


Your toon's name is Xertasian?


Speaking of dumb, you're calling out Takky for not wanting to a 1v1 with you. You claimed in this thread that all classes are balanced and there are counters. You previously posted:


Posted By Xertasian

to be perfectly honest a deception sin will beat a mara in a 1 vs 1 no matter what spec he runs..slingers give a mara a headache..sins give maras a migraine..


And this is where you start resorting to ad hominems, when you realize that your premise is logically flawed. But you live in Louisiana, I expect no less. How's that for an ad hominem.

Edited by iheartnyc
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I don't even know what side you're arguing anymore.


i like you Scold this post was getting a lil boring with the same thing being said over and over again..i just gonna leave things be have a nice day..dont want you to think i have any beef with you or anybody..

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"why won't you 1v1 me Ta***kkyyyyyyyyyyyy theeseee classess are perfeclty balancedddd".


to be perfectly honest a deception sin will beat a mara in a 1 vs 1 no matter what spec he runs..slingers give a mara a headache..sins give maras a migraine..



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Someone translate this for Takky!!


xertは、D を愛して.


sins give maras a migraine


The only ones you ever give a migraine are your teammates; "Ugh I'll leave this node undefended; Need-to-1v1-Takky"

Edited by Wanjagenrich
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Oh all this hate. I can write a damn book about all the ******* we get in regular warzones. You randoms posting crap not even leaving a name because you probably got owned or carried please stop your senseless posts.


Don't take it to seriously. Few days ago I learned no one gives a flying **** about regs anyway, ranked is where it's at. -Sorry for the first misleading post that was when I cared about winning regs.

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I'm sorry, you are whom, and you do rateds when?


I'm sorry, you are whom, and you do rateds when? See it works both ways, so can we please stop asking this retarded question, not like you guys do a lot of rated anyway. It just takes time to get to know each other ;)

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i like you Scold this post was getting a lil boring with the same thing being said over and over again..i just gonna leave things be have a nice day..dont want you to think i have any beef with you or anybody..


Thought you said the post before this was your last post.

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I'm sorry, you are whom, and you do rateds when? See it works both ways, so can we please stop asking this retarded question, not like you guys do a lot of rated anyway. It just takes time to get to know each other ;)


I primarily go by Velania, and Zannáh, and I do rateds whenever we can get people together and my RL schedule allows. And considering you are nobody, I'd bet we do rateds a damn lot more than you do.

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I primarily go by Velania, and Zannáh, and I do rateds whenever we can get people together and my RL schedule allows. And considering you are nobody, I'd bet we do rateds a damn lot more than you do.


I find it laughable that you're acting like you're better than me because you're are in a guild. Sooner you get out of that collective mind set the better. Btw I could care less who you are atm, I was making a point. My respect goes to individual players I see, not guilds as a whole. What I said originally was simply an observation of some of the individuals in your guild, you can take it or leave it.

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I find it laughable that you're acting like you're better than me because you're are in a guild. News flash, being in a guild doesn't make you worth ****. Sooner you get out of that collective mind set the better. Btw I could care less who you are atm, I was making a point. My respect goes to individual players I see, not guilds as a whole. What I said originally was simply an observation of some of the individuals in your guild, you can take it or leave it.


And I'm saying that, being a nobody, you have absolutely zero credibility in calling out anyone. Still waiting for you to have the balls to tell us which particular nobody you are.

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And I'm saying that, being a nobody, you have absolutely zero credibility in calling out anyone. Still waiting for you to have the balls to tell us which particular nobody you are.


Sorry, I have too much forum credibility to take a nobody seriously. We can still chat tho, my ign is below. :csw_c3po:

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ok..well for one yall say the guy dont speak english so now you gonna ask him in english unless you are japanese..nother thing i didnt go at your guild or made insults to nobody..i have something to say i direct it to the person only..why i made sure in my post i said i careless about the crap people say about your guild thats not my business,,


lastly trying to hide if you i said my name to many times in my earlier post and you been reading my name the whole while..like i said before human error the same as people playing there class and losing..if you read before you actually speak then you would had answered your own question..


lastly i see where this is about to go and im not gonna play the insult game with anyone..to old for that lifestyle..so i be the bigger person here and end it..i careless about what you or your guild do..if you want to fight in a group or solo your choice..sad to say people think pvp is just a zerg fest and not ones own talent..


sad to say swtor fail hard in this aspect.so i just wait until a game come along that get the pvp concept correct..when alot of you have to actually fight on your own without guards and pocket heals then you will find out how good you really are..


no sense in going on with this dicussion..everybody gonna have here opinion and you have the right to play this game how you want..so good times i done with this..comment all you want my last post on this matter or anybody concerning this topic..


Oh hey Saijah or however you spell your name! Remember when you absolutely **** all over me 1v1 in a civil war but my team still won? Good times.


I see why you're Tyson's only friend though, you both have such a talent for typing unintelligible drivel.

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