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System - Organized PVP (NOT a recruitment thread)


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.: S Y S T E M :.

Republic PVP Guild


A few know/remember our small group of pvp'ers, well a few of us are back and we're ready to get back into the groove.


What are we? Well, we're just a place you come and hang out so that PVP doesn't have to be the giant suck wad it is when no one is "talking" in game.


Join us on Mumble, you don't have to talk, you can just listen, that's half the problem right here. We'll do 4 man premades, hell, we'll do 8 man ranked. We have sub 55 and sub 30's for that matter. We like to fight and we want to fight with you.


We're not super duper bad asses (well, we're pretty bad ***...just not super duper). We're not douchey either. We just want to kill people, get better and have fun in SWTOR.


We play on EST hours (6pm to midnight-ish).


Again, this isn't a recruitment thread. I'm too busy in RL to try and organize the world on this. HOWEVER, our comms are always open if you're looking for ORGANIZED Republic PVP'ing.



  • Get on our Mumble
  • Let's coordinate warzones
  • Lets stop letting so many baddies ruin PVP
  • Let's win games and laugh!


MUMBLE INFO: Fish. Mumbleboxes. Com port: 36097





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Sub 30 PVP? Yup, we have that covered. 30 to 54... that too. 55...we're getting there, so hang on! :)


Come on guys, some of you HAVE to be sick of the extraordinarily crappy communication going on in wz. We're not looking to steal anyone from their guild, we just want to give players a place to chat and make winning the norm.


Hop in our mumble, see what we're about. :)




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What what? We're in the 55 world now and having a good time with it! Hop on our chat and let's yell at each other in a constructive way.


Good Examples

  • "I've got 2, make that 3 incoming east"
  • "I've marked their healers, focus the lightning bolt"
  • "I'm stun locked, they're capping east"



Bad Examples

  • "................."
  • "WTH ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?! WHY DO YOU SUCK!?!?!" || PLAYER has left the match PLAYER has logged off of Mumble
  • GAME: The Empire has captured a turret || "Oh, we needed help on that turret..."


So hop on Mumble and let's at least talk about how bad we're losing...together. :p




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  • 2 weeks later...

This isn't a recruitment thread, if you're pvp'ing and want to group up, jump in mumble. We pvp in 55 and sub 55. There aren't a lot of us, but we're on most nights. If you're serious about PVP and want to bridge the gap by using voice over trying to type (and getting ignored) then hop in.


I normally do my dailies on my 55 shadow and almost 37 scoundrel.




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  • 2 weeks later...
Stop bumping your own thread. Kind of annoying but nice job on the idea, I like it and approve. We do the same thing, our mumble isn't really locked.


Instead, resurrect a thread that was on page 13.

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While I appreciate the "props", there's nothing wrong with making sure that people know something like this exists. Your mumble might be open, but we're actively PUSHING it so that we can have better organization in matches (REGARDLESS of guild).


You just have a guild chat with no locks, we have a chat for all of JC. :)




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  • 1 month later...

We're playing with a lot more frequency and have our mumble open for all. Hop in whenever, send us an in game tell, whatever you want! :)


Had a bunch of fun last night and more coming tonight (around 10pm EST).




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