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Leveling from 50-55


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If the dailies / weekly didn't feel like section x so much i'd do them without hesistation, but they do, so i don't do them.


Black Hole and Ilum go very fast. It is also pretty weak to complain about the experience that you are not getting when you choose not to put in the work.

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Black Hole was short and sweet. Section X and makeb are not. I don't mind working for stuff, but I don't want to be doing the same thing in the same place for hours. That isn't fun or enjoyable. This is a game, not a job. Edited by Glorthox
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Have you done the Macrobinocular and Seek Droid missions?


There's level 50+ content on lots of planets now. Makeb wasn't designed to get you from 50 to 55.


I like you, like to solo but I was still able to get to 55 without much of a problem, and without having to do a bunch of dailies either.


At level 54 I was able to solo level 50 Heroics on Belsavis that I had never done.


There's enough soloable content in the expansion to get you to Level 55.

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As a lot of people have said try grouping up....im at my 3rd to 55 (mara/sniper/sage) and i ran out of levels before quests....but there again im of the opinion that I like playing this type of game because it is multiplayer....i queue in group finder for 50 HM FP while questing in Makeb (solo)...55 comes all too quickly!


There is a reasonable amount of upgrades that drop from the 50 hm fp...loot table has changed so it drops 140 gear.


It is also makes a refreshing change that LI HM is no longer a wipe-fest...last run i did as healer last night the 51 tank started by saying "Ive never been here before..." which used to be where everyone else left the group...no wipes or kiddy insults/arguments!


The other thing, because people are doing the 50 hm fp's to level they are wanting to do all the bonus bosses etc....ive been playing since beta and ive never even seen half these bonus bosses lol....personally i love it and queueing for FPs/WZs as you level makes it great fun for me.

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