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lvl 50+ trooper (tank) lf republic guild


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Hey all,


I'm looking for a decent sized republic guild. I'm currently a lvl 51 trooper vanguard and climbing. I've been playing since launch with in between a couple of weeks where I didn't play. Now that life is settling down I can play more often and I'm looking for a nice guild to enhance my game time. I'm a casual player, and by that I mean the following. I play the game because I like it. I like every type of content the game has to offer, from RP to raids. But not on a hardcore level. I don't care about the loot, I put looks before stats. If some nice piece of gear drops and I don't like the looks of it then I won't have it. Furthermore I like to group up and do groupcontent and having fun while doing it. I play because I want to not because I 'have' to.


I'm specced as a vanguard tank, because I like the playstyle and have been in a tanking role in almost all the MMORPG's I've played.


If you are the guild that can offer me a decent size, mature members, and like me you do all sorts of content give me a message.


Greetz Rag

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Greetings Rag,


Are you still on the lookout? If so, I want to recommend you 'The Ancients'. It sounds like you would fit perfectly in.

Please have a look: swtor-the-ancients.enjin.com

You can talk to

GM: Reeger

Officers: Sal-ine, Ainsley, Skid, Tushot

or any member you can find.



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