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Why am I a Subscriber?


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Not asking anyone to do any math. Just asking other subs why I should stay a sub. What am I paying for.


Why should you get a Big Mac instead of a Qtr Pounder? Why a Coke instead of water?


The point of having different ways to pay is to offer ways to have a product for different types of people. Some find a sub better, others f2p is better.


Only you can make the decision what's best for you.

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Why should you get a Big Mac instead of a Qtr Pounder? Why a Coke instead of water?


The point of having different ways to pay is to offer ways to have a product for different types of people. Some find a sub better, others f2p is better.


Only you can make the decision what's best for you.


I'm asking for other subs opinion to make my opinion.

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As a causal players (say less then 15hours a week) I am questioning why subscribe. I am lucky to get one flashpoint per month. Think I have completed one operation, total. To get even one piece of “basic” gear, I am looking at months of play. Then I get told that I could gain crew skill over 400 and use of level 55 equipment without the expansion, which is a lie.


Everything I have seen of the expansion, it is pretty pathetic.


So enlighten me, why subscribe?

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I for one un-subscribed. Tired of the same lame people who think they are better than everyone else and want the game even harder than it is currently. To me, those kinda people make the gaming experience to be very lacking and very tedious. Just shows me what kinda people play games anymore. While they enjoy the experience, the casual gamer struggles and is constantly picked on for not being elite like them.
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As a causal players (say less then 15hours a week) I am questioning why subscribe. I am lucky to get one flashpoint per month. Think I have completed one operation, total. To get even one piece of “basic” gear, I am looking at months of play. Then I get told that I could gain crew skill over 400 and use of level 55 equipment without the expansion, which is a lie.


Everything I have seen of the expansion, it is pretty pathetic.


So enlighten me, why subscribe?


I am not going to tell you anything.. You appear to already have made up your mind.. You certainly have passed judgment on the expansion.. I don't know what you have seen.. I think the expansion is awesome.. Tons of new dailies almost everywhere.. Achievements to chase.. Rep to chase.. We finally have a variety of content to do to keep us busy.. We have two new tools that add an extra layer content.. The Seeker droids and Macrobinoculars.. They are not just used for the missions you get with them.. You keep them once you complete the chains..


The expansion is completely awesome.. A huge step in the right direction for this game..


To the OP..


Yes, we were promised regular updates to the CE vendor.. As CE owner, I also would like more updates.. But I will be honest... I didn't buy the game just for the what the CE vendor had to offer.. So while I would like more update, I am not going to lose any sleep if I don't get them..


I think you are missing the point of caps.. They aren't restrictions really.. All they do is regulate the rate in which content is consumed.. This has nothing to do with being a subscriber or not.. Every MMO I have ever played has had caps on thing or another.. Be it the number of dailies you can do in a day, or the amount of rep you can earn.. There is nothing wrong with caps and the do serve an important purpose.. I am sorry you fail to understand that..


Your 3rd complain makes no sense.. So, I really can't comment on it..


Nobody here can make your decision for you.. You have to decide for yourself.. I will say that you appear to have a lot of misconceptions as to what it means to be a subscriber..


Being a subscriber meant that you could by the expansions at half price.. It means you didn't have to purchase access to HK.. You don't have to purchase access to space missions, flashpoints, Operations, warzones, and a lot of the things that F2P and Preferred do have to pay for.. As a subscriber you are entitled to a monthly allowance of Cartel Coins.. You can reset your talent tree for free.. I could go on, but you should already know all this..


Like I said.. You can do whatever you want.. I am happy being a subscriber.. The expansions is awesome and a huge step in the right direction.. :)

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I am not going to tell you anything.. You appear to already have made up your mind.. You certainly have passed judgment on the expansion.. I don't know what you have seen.. I think the expansion is awesome.. Tons of new dailies almost everywhere.. Achievements to chase.. Rep to chase.. We finally have a variety of content to do to keep us busy.. We have two new tools that add an extra layer content.. The Seeker droids and Macrobinoculars.. They are not just used for the missions you get with them.. You keep them once you complete the chains..

The expansion is completely awesome.. A huge step in the right direction for this game..

i c why u like the expansion so much,

but as a sub science the 1st day pre-launch,

i get fps worst and worst,

and no new class story,

and a class bug over 1 year,

and stupid reason to huge nerf my main class,

there is no reason to re-sub.

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i c why u like the expansion so much,

but as a sub science the 1st day pre-launch,

i get fps worst and worst,

and no new class story,

and a class bug over 1 year,

and stupid reason to huge nerf my main class,

there is no reason to re-sub.


I can't say much for your computer performance.. I built an entirely new computer when I was in the beta.. Since release, I have upgrade it twice.. The performance game is something you either keep up with or you don't.. It isn't always the responsibility of the software manufacturer to make sure that something runs on your computer..


I don't understand this whole thing with a class quest?? I just don't see how the story is dependent on a class quest.. I thought the story of Makeb was done very will.. But this was a story about Makeb, and not about us.. I just don't see the lack of story as an issue..


I don't know that any class was actually nerfed.. Some things were changed and or moved around.. In other cases it is just different.. The shadow tank for instance.. There are a lot of talents in the Kinetic tree that add value to our mele attacks.. So it seems that accuracy is going to become important to us.. Which means less points for our defensive skills.. Shadow strike is a very powerful skill.. However it is one that can only be used behind a target.. Unless you spec in to another talent that gives you shadow wrap, which allows you to use shadow strike while standing in front of your enemy.. They also increased the cool down on slow time, so mele attacks become a requirement to the rotation.. Other wise there will be times with everything is on cool down.. I am not going to say that you character wasn't nerfed because I don't know about every character.. The ones that I do know about.. I wouldn't call it a nerf.. But in some ways a side step.. Different but still powerful.. :)

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