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Galactic Map: Possibly useful for RP purposes


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After some time stretching the lines of the in-game galactic map over an old NJO-Era map of the Star Wars galaxy, I came up with a rough sketch of which planets would be under whose control. Note that the in-game map appears to be curved a bit, so although Coruscant (dead center) and the worlds on the edges (Ilum, Tattoine, Nal Hutta, Korriban) are all in the proper places, Ord-Mantel should be more centered, and Taris should mark the edge of Imperial Space. We currently don't know if the Plooriod clusters are in Imperial space or not, but based on their presence in Republic models in-game, I would bet that the these clusters (and therefore Ploo and Ithor), are not in imperial space.


Also of interest, the shape of Imperial Space appears to be designed to include Dantooine, and possibly Mon Calamari:



(I cannot take credit for either of these images. The first was taken from an in-game screenshot, the second from a Hungarian website hosting a scanned map of the galaxy, without citations).


Feel free to discuss the problems, and/or possible implications of which map is where below. I've highlighted Thyferra and Manaan, as these are the sources of Bacta and Kolto, respectfully. With the rise of the Hutts in the Makeb expansion, the possible extension of Hutt Space towards Republic Space could cut off the Empire from both Kolto and Bacta sources.

Edited by Flightsaber
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Hey, this is really cool! I'd love to see a fight for Drongar (just outside Imperial territory) in TOR, especially with the need for medicine since bacta hasn't been discovered yet. A fight for bota would be awesome. According to lore, heavy weapons can't be used there or the bota would ignite, so only commandos would be excluded from the fight, but they could work around that.


Just hope Blizz doesn't use his rocket launcher or the entire planet's gonna go...!

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