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Falling Sky: I.M.S.O.C.


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Falling Sky


Imperial Marine Special Operations Command




Terminus-class Destroyer "The Verkinar"


Orbit over Coruscant


3,653 BBY




Imperial Marine Special Operations Command:



7th Reconnaissance Company, 1st Platoon



Marine-Gunnery Sergeant Amerias Aetius





I was a mere private at the time, I remember the sounds of the turbo lasers rumbling the halls of The Verkinar as we checked our gear in the armory. Though they weren't that of our enemy, it was only our own.. Like we were simply firing at nothing, there was little evidence of resistance here, just strange compared to what we had encountered at Alderaan, makes one think that the nobles there were more important than their own capital. But the truth is we won't really know the level of resistance until we reach planet side, it had only been an hour into our attack, our raid. "Alright! Let's go!" Our sergeants ordered, waving towards our shuttle. We replied with a a collective "Rah!" before we put our helmet on. I remember the feel of my carbine, not used to the short barrel, and light weight away from the sniper rifle, but it had a decent optic, and would be a lot easier to maneuver on this incredible urban planet of the Republic. Our boots planted onto the metal floor of the shuttle as we completely filled the small space, holding onto the utility netting above us to keep stable. The blast doors of the hanger began to hiss open, slowly, then the protective hanger shield as our flight of combat shuttle hovered in formation. "Look at that..." Sergeant Ribik said under his breath, either in awe of the all city planet, or the fact that we were staring right at the Republic capital. The engines of our shuttle boomed, then sped out of the hanger, ours leading the tight column formation as we sped towards the already under attacked Jedi Temple. Our objective was clear, and simple, secure our area around the Temple until a larger force arrived, then proceed to scout, search, and destroy any hostile resistance that circled the temple. A hard shake rattled our ship as we broke through the atmosphere, the sheet of flame from the friction began to fade away as we met with clouds, some moisture trailing on the cockpit as we began to slow down, prepare for our drop zone. The doors of the shuttle on both sides lift up, and slide open as our platoon broke into two even groups, lining up.. The scent of the planet wasn't pleasant, pollution in the air, even with the filters, could not mask the disgusting smog, we all shook our heads. The air hissed between us all as we waited for the red light to turn. A light ping rang a moment before the green light flared- "Go, go, go!" our platoon leaders shouted, grabbing the shoulder of each marine next in line, dropping from the shuttle as it passed over the DZ. I was fifth in line on my side, it's as if time had slowed down for a moment as I looked out the door, the sun causing a memorable, beautiful bloom as it reflected off of the city buildings, but I snapped back into reality as bolts of Republic cannon fire had began to engage us, we were the first obvious Imperial force in... After Malgus' sneak attack the Republic was now aware, and ready to fight, no one had disabled their defenses, that... that was our job. I felt the lieutenant's hand on my shoulder as I shuffled to the door, though we could not see each other's eyes I know he was looking into mine as we nodded. I secured my rifle tightly, and jumped from the shuttle.. time slowing again, the colors of the bolts of the cannons snapping past my head.. they played shadows over my armor as I looked down at my feet toward a wide, long bride that was marked our DZ. As I sped toward the tower I activated my jump pack, the flames spitting out rapidly, just enough for us to land without serious injury. The fuel spent I popped off my pack, grabbed my rifle and took cover.. I could see the white armor of the Republic's army across the way.. countless. I could not tally them all from a mix of suppressing fire, and just pure number of them, it looked like an entire regiment.







(( This is just a little something I felt like sharing. I do have more to add, but I figured I'd stop here for the time being to see what kind of response I would even get first of all before posting some huge story. Read, critic, share thoughts. All appreciated, and welcome. ))

Edited by --Alerion--
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