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Galactic timeline and story


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Please BW bring back gallactic timeline to the game, it was one of the most cool stuff to the game universe.

It's disapointing to see how little intrest you have in story because well let's see, class story pretty much ended even in the Rise of The hutt Cartel, and what I see is that story stopped being a priority. Makeb Story and a new flashpoint don't bring in my opinion anything worth to me.

Don't forget what you picked on, most of the people here is here because they love star wars, the universe and the story, the gllactic timeline was explaining everithing that came before, so the excuse you made for stop making them was I have no other words for it, lousy and unaceptable.

I just want to get an answer if you do or do not plan to bring content for the story because, I want to know if I continue or not plaiyng the game, cause for me as gammer when story ends the game is over, and a planet story is like fillers for me.

I would apreciate a honest answer, and opinions from everyone reading this.

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