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I so want alacrity to be worth stacking as a combat sent. I fear it won't be.

With that said, what is the stat priority now?

I've been opening with dual saber throw then force leap but haven't read of anyone doing the same. Is there something I'm missing?

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Most likely because most of us are still working our way through it ourselves.

As fro Alacrity I don't find much use for it as a Watchman as the burns are not affected IIRC but I can see its use with Combat and Focus as they are strictly burst.

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I so want alacrity to be worth stacking as a combat sent. I fear it won't be.

With that said, what is the stat priority now?

I've been opening with dual saber throw then force leap but haven't read of anyone doing the same. Is there something I'm missing?


For what its worth, I am also using Twin Saber throw into force leap for my opener. I am by no means an expert on rotations and prioritizations, but it looks cool and its free focus wise. I also feel like its better as an opener since I can try to line up the enemies before throwing for more chance of hits. I've tried mixing the dual saber throw into my normal rotation but I can't find a good place for it since I usually would rather use blade rush for the Ataru proc. That said, since the changes, I feel like my sent is constantly focus starved and I am probably doing something wrong. Using a focus free ability when my focus bottoms out could be a solution while I wait for cooldowns, so would be interested in hearing how others are making use of twin saber throw.


As for your question about Alacrity, I really have no idea yet.

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For Combat, there is no rotation, its a priority system now. You shouldnt open with Twin Saber Throw. You waste a gcd, and decently hard hitting free ability that could be used under PS. Your open should look like this:

Force Leap> Zealous Strike> Precision Slash > Master Strike then you go down your check list of priority.


Priority is as follows:

1. Blade Storm (with Opportune Attack up)

2. Dispatch

3. Master Strike

4. Blade Rush

5. Twin Saber Throw


A note here, you want to use Blade Rush> Twin Saber Throw because you will always do more damage with ataru form damage from BR. But there instances, alot in fact, where you still have a second or two under PS left and you are out of focus, and more than likely you will have TST available at that time, and thats when you use TST.


P.S. Stacking alacrity comes at a loss of surge and accuracy, and does not increase our resource regen like it does all of the other classes. Therefore stacking alacrity is not worth it as a sent.

Edited by Mikeieveli
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For Combat, there is no rotation, its a priority system now. You shouldnt open with Twin Saber Throw. You waste a gcd, and decently hard hitting free ability that could be used under PS. Your open should look like this:

Force Leap> Zealous Strike> Precision Slash > Master Strike then you go down your check list of priority.


Priority is as follows:

1. Blade Storm (with Opportune Attack up)

2. Dispatch

3. Master Strike

4. Blade Rush

5. Twin Saber Throw


A note here, you want to use Blade Rush> Twin Saber Throw because you will always do more damage with ataru form damage from BR. But there instances, alot in fact, where you still have a second or two under PS left and you are out of focus, and more than likely you will have TST available at that time, and thats when you use TST.


P.S. Stacking alacrity comes at a loss of surge and accuracy, and does not increase our resource regen like it does all of the other classes. Therefore stacking alacrity is not worth it as a sent.


Looks like someone didn't read the presser today.....http://www.swtor.com/info/news/blog/20130417

"Alacrity Improvements: One of the big changes to combat systems is the way that Alacrity works. Prior to this update, Alacrity came with a tradeoff for some classes, and it was nearly useless to other classes. The faster you attacked, the more resources you would spend, and that only worked if you had channeled abilities or abilities with activation times.


Now, Alacrity will increase the activation speed of all abilities, including instants. We haven’t just shortened the global cooldown, either. When activating any ability quicker, its animation will also play quicker. This makes some attacks look and sound very cool. Furthermore, Alacrity increases resource regeneration by the same rate, helping you to recuperate resources more quickly as you spend them more quickly. For Knights and Warriors specifically, attacking faster means generating resources faster. Now more Alacrity is strictly a good thing."

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Makes sense about saving TST. I tried upgrading into alacrity and definitely seems to be a dps loss instead of gain. But I'm reading people saying our resource generation isn't increased with alacrity, but isn't our resources built on attacks so therefore quicker attacks quicker resource generation. I assume people are referring to the fact our abilities cd's like ZS aren't decreased with alacrity. Personally I don't feel starved for focus though. I wonder about better gear with alacrity. As my gear gets better and I get more upgrades, will I be able to keep around at least 100 acc, 25 crit, and 70 surge, and then start throwing in some alacrity. Maybe then a point in alacrity will at least compete with points in other secondary stats in dps weight. Throw in the added mobility with quicker attacks and maybe then alacrity will be more appealing.
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when I put sentinel enhancements 28 to all pve gear with my all 7 spaces and it dose have a faster hit rating which dose work well but finding the right mob and armoring (aborbtion is what I'm thinkig) I'm still looking but I would have my Augment still with mighty cause speed over damge only work over short time or weak and sliver mobs and gold seems to take to long!

for it to work well is to hit hard and fast

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Looks like someone didn't read the presser today.....http://www.swtor.com/info/news/blog/20130417

"Alacrity Improvements: One of the big changes to combat systems is the way that Alacrity works. Prior to this update, Alacrity came with a tradeoff for some classes, and it was nearly useless to other classes. The faster you attacked, the more resources you would spend, and that only worked if you had channeled abilities or abilities with activation times.


Now, Alacrity will increase the activation speed of all abilities, including instants. We haven’t just shortened the global cooldown, either. When activating any ability quicker, its animation will also play quicker. This makes some attacks look and sound very cool. Furthermore, Alacrity increases resource regeneration by the same rate, helping you to recuperate resources more quickly as you spend them more quickly. For Knights and Warriors specifically, attacking faster means generating resources faster. Now more Alacrity is strictly a good thing."


I read that, but I'm not even sure what that means for Knights. How does it help us regenerate Focus faster? Because we're able to use our standard attack more quickly and build focus with that? Unless it's somehow upping the passive that builds Focus for us, I don't see how it builds resources for us. They're a little vague on the details for this, partially because they hardly change the Alacrity section for each class they're talking about. It's far too general.

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I think the idea for JK/SW is supposed to be that, even those who have almost no channeled abilities, like my Watchman Sentinel, will benefit from Alacrity as it reduces the global cool down for all our instant attacks. If we were able to get the GCD down from 1.5 seconds to just 1 second, we would be able to pack in a lot more attacks into the same amount of time, and in theory also use Focus-building attacks more frequently, thus build Focus and Centering more quickly.


That makes sense for Centering, but I don't see how it holds water for Focus, unless you intend to spam Strike, which has no cool down. Even a significantly reduced GCD isn't going to bring Zealous Strike or Force Leap up any more quickly. You'd just have time to fit another attack or two in before a major Focus generating attack comes up again. I fear that would leave you focus starved or spamming Strike. Granted they gave Watchman a bit more burn-based Focus generation, so perhaps you wouldn't have to fill the gap with Strikes, but overall Alacrity still seems "meh" to me.


I also wonder how much Alacrity one would have to stack (and what consequently you'd have to give up) in order to get a significant GCD reduction. I throw out a whopping .5 second reduction in my example above, but how much Alacrity would that take, and what would be the cost of that in terms of Crit, Surge, or Accuracy?


If they REALLY wanted Alacrity to be of serious benefit to JK/SW players, they would have it reduce the cooldowns of all of our attacks by a steady amount, so that Focus spending and Focus generating attacks would be available more quickly (but in the same relative frequency as before). Even then, I'd have to be convinced that a noticible increased attack frequency could be achieved with an amount of Alacrity that didn't cripple you on other secondary stats.

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