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I don't get it when dudes play as Twi'leks in MMOs...


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I see what you mean. Yet another uninspired pointless thread then. Thanks for explaining that to me. I suppose someone thinks this is funny or something.


haha you didnt catch the joke and instead youre grumpy now?


Internet kids, cant satisfy them no matter what!

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It's actually not pointless. The biggest problem with troll threads is they sometimes get too much attention, and it starts to look like an actual issue to the community. Clearly, men playing female toons is not an issue--someone was just trying to stir the pot. Trolling the troll is like stirring the pot in the opposite direction--it uses humor to negate the false importance created by the original troll thread.


Is that clearer? These are some advanced trolling tactics, but try to follow along and you'll eventually catch on.


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