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Official Bioware Thread (New Species choice)


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I think the statement went something like "If Cathar sell well, then we will consider adding new species and at that point we may open a thread to see what species the players want, however playing some species would have major limitations." I dont think they have opened a thread First Cathar have to come out, then they have to sell, then BW have to decide if they want the comunity to vote or they just add what they think will be popular, easy and profitable. For example the players vote for Hutts as playable, then they spend contless hours designing Hutts, doing armour and gear and speeder, then when they sell them they only sell 100 000 at 15 bucks where as they slap some new face paint on a human call it a Kiffar and sell 5000 for 15 bucks they actually have higher return on investment.
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I dont think they have opened a thread First Cathar have to come out, then they have to sell, then BW have to decide if they want the comunity to vote or they just add what they think will be popular, easy and profitable. For example the players vote for Hutts as playable, then they spend contless hours designing Hutts, doing armour and gear and speeder, then when they sell them they only sell 100 000 at 15 bucks where as they slap some new face paint on a human call it a Kiffar and sell 5000 for 15 bucks they actually have higher return on investment.


So if I understood well...they never make an official thread to recense players new species choice? cause I always seen players who make reference to this famous official thread by Bioware. I was just curious of how they made their choice for the new species.

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No offical thread that I am aware of have been a lot of Un-offcial threads but nothing coming from BW. BW have also had some official comments about species but mostly these have been "Cathar are coming, and we know people want more species"
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Actually I was looking in the official SWTOR FB page and they have aked player's choice for a new species add, but impossible to read cause they didn't make a poll...you know a poll with numbers and stats (LOL)
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