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account chest/locker


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i would like to see a chest or locker added that you can use with all your toons. Even if they put a limit on the items its kinda weird that i play mostly on my trooper toon but find more jedi stuff on him more then i find it on my jedi toons. Would be nice to hold them for another toon.
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Been suggested many times and hopefully it eventually happens. Wouldn't be too hard maybe make it smaller, heck make it a purchase for the cartel market (hate to encourage that but it's purely a convenience thing). Wouldn't be too hard use similar coding as the Guild Bank (as for what type of items can be allowed) but also allow bind to Legacy items. Either make it a special tab on the normal bank or create a special bank for it. Whatever works. That would be really great for crafting (it's so tedious having to search for which alt has the metals I need then mail them over etc, just a lot of hassle that mostly encourages me not to craft even more).
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