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Looking for Guild (Empire)


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UPDATE: I moved my toons into Rancor Bait. Thanks, everyone who contacted me.




I'm an experienced MMO player; best example is that I have a lifetime subscription to LOTRO, and was an officer in a large kinship since 2008. I'm currently looking for a SWTOR with strong leadership and a great social environment. I don't really have an interest in being an officer in a game again, but I recognize the importance of strong leadership and would love to enjoy the fruits of their labors. ;)


I have 3 toons: a level 50 SW, a level 43 IA, and a fledgling SI (probably ~14), and need a home for all of them. Honestly, my primary interest at this point in a guild is for the social experience and the experience boost.


While I'm open to contributing to ops/flashpoints, I'm not interested in a guild with mandatory playtimes/etc. I had several years of that in LOTRO and am looking for something with a lighter pace. Plus, being an adult with a >fulltime job, I can't commit to many specific timeslots.


Last relevant factor: I'm looking for a mature guild. That doesn't mean adults only, per se, but I'm not interested in a guild with copious amounts of drama, pressure, or high-pitched squeeling. :rolleyes:


Let me know if you think your guild would be a good fit for me. I'll look forward to checking out some websites and will hopefully find a fun place to be!

Edited by elurosaabye
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Rancor Bait is looking for social members. We would love to have you. While we do have dedicated raid groups, it is not a requirement. I'm on usually from 6pm eastern till 11 pm eastern on the weekdays so feel free to whisper me on the following toons. Kalvarius, Kelsie, Kylista, Shakkra, Sezura, Setzuna.


Our website is rancorbait.enjin.com

We also use vent for ops/pvp/chat

Edited by LordKalvarius
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If you are still looking for a guild or just want to see who is out there. Feel free to check out Light\Dark Holiday. We are a mature guild that doesn't tolerate drama. We have officers in both our ligthside guild (Light Holiday) and in our Darkside (dark Holiday) that way leadership is the same. We are very activity in all activies just not in raiding and pvp. We have guild events, like +10 Datacrons runs, world bosses, and we group up to complete quest too.

Feel free to check us out at http://rav.enjin.com\holidaymain. In game you can do a /who hoilday and talk to any of our members.

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