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Nerfed Stats?


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Maybe this was explained before and I missed it, but could a dev reply on the nerfing of stats?


I have the same gear as I did before 2.0, I rebuilt my tree the same(sorc healer)and included all the force crit bonuses, etc. And now at 55 I see that both my crit and surge have dropped by about 7/8% each. I was 31/76% crit/surge before, now I am 24/68%.


There might be more nerfing, but those are the first ones I noticed. Why the change? What else has changed?

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Two things...


1. It was always the case that leveling w/o changing gear would make that gear get ever more obsolete as the stat conversion formulas aren't flat, they're curved with one of the variables being your level. Higher level = less contribution and therefore need more stats to achieve the same effect.


2. This update also brought changes to the formulas themselves, which in turn has also drastically changed things.


It's the combination that's making your stats appear nerfed. They are... but it's universal, meaning everyone got the same formula nerf.

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