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Operations and Game Experience

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I had been gone from TOR for about 6 months. I reached level 42 with my guardian then got frustrated with some issues and stopped playing. I started playing TSW with a friend and had alot of fun in the begining reached QL10 did some elites then started doing Nightmare dungeons. This is where my issues started there is really no endgame stuff to do. I spent most of my time trying to get into NM groups only to be asked what my attack rating was. SO if you cant get into groups and there is no solo stuff to do I ended up leaving. I started playing KOTOR 1 and 2 beat both then decided to give TOR a try again and really glad I did. So I am a new level 50 Scoundrel and my first toon is a level 50 Guardian dps now . I got my recruit gear on both for reaching level 50. Also my scoundrel was a new toon I got to 50 which I really enjoy playing. I started off doing some dailies on Illum and Blackhole which were cool but a little slow since I like playing with people just makes things faster and someone to watch your back. So last night i did Kaon Undersiege HM, and 2 OP Karraga's Palace and The Eternity Vault first time ever doing and OP and did 2. I have to say to say it was good to have a good group the OP were challenging and fun I replaced most of my recruit gear bought a new gun from the classic vendor and the guys were cool. I just wanted to give my impression of the game experience and the players I played with it was a good night. I know every experience will not be like this but hopefully people can learn something from my post. Just learn to play the class you like to the best of your ability have fun and let the others know that you are new if you have not done the FP or OP before but in all lots of fun glad I came back. I look forward to playing the expansion Sunday and see you all in game.
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Sorry about the one long paragraph I am not much for writing and or typing things out. Oh on another note does


anyone know if and when they will ever have character transfer? I meant the last thing i heard about it was last year!

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anyone know if and when they will ever have character transfer? I meant the last thing i heard about it was last year!


They had a character transfers last year because they deleted most of the servers they had. I.e. In every english european pve server, you had a few month window when you could transfer your characters to Red Eclipse or not transfer them. After that time, the characters that haven't been transferred were force-transferred to Red Eclipse and other english european pve servers were deleted.

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