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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Taking away gear?


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I know I can't seriously be the only person who feels this way and cares about how their toons look. Though when I brought it up in general chat about them being gone, all I got was "they added better gear, so shut up." So I bring it here, hoping that this issue can be brought to light and not just swept under the rug.


First Battlemaster gear was taken away from us, leaving the only method to obtain it's shells being the crafted versions that require Valor of at least 60 to equip. Now War Hero, Tionese, Columi, and Rakata gear are all gone as well? I was looking forward to wearing alot of the tionese set's shells on my marauder when I get her to 50, but now it seems that isn't going to happen.


If you are going to take away gear sets like that, please give us some way to get the shells at least, and without requirements like valor. The valor requirements made sense when the battlemaster and war hero gear was available for WZ coms, so it wasn't just getting them for free instead of working through pvp to get them the normal way. But now there is no normal way, so we just have to do a ridiculous amount more pvp than before just to be able to wear vanity gear. And there is no way to get the rakata/columi/tio syle gear, unless there are schematics or vendors I am unaware of. If it needs some requirement, perhaps something more reasonable like a reputation requirement could be used. Something that doesn't mean grinding pvp in absurd amounts to get to the valor rank. Though I know some people live for pvp, for those of us who do not, getting valor that high is a real ridiculous chore just to be able to wear certain vanity gear.


Please take this into consideration, having variety when it comes to customization adds more to the experience and enriches the game.

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If they were going to do this to begin with, people should have had their current gear replaced with the lowest gear that was released in the 2.0 patch. People should start out with black hole and some kind of pvp gear. And then grind for the upgrade of their gear. Everyone needs a start, now those who already started it have the gear and weapons, and singling out those who are new to the game and are basically screwed.
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I completely agree with you, as an imperial Agent, I absolutely loved the Tionese, Columni, and Rak armors look, it was one of my main motivators for making an agent, and with 2.0 those are all gone and replaced with suits that make my character like a waste removal expert. Id do anything to at least be able to get those shells as needed.


Id settle for them being in the Cartel market, but I'd be more apprised to them becoming drops from the "old" flashpoints or as craft-able items. They could even be made a reputation item, I suppose like Gree equipment, or more appropriately like the old armor skins that were removed and put under that Cartel Rep vendors on each sides respective fleets.

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I was really looking forward to getting the Rakata bounty hunter armor for my female powertech. Loved that armor, it was too a motivation but they are gone and would it to there be a way to get them back. Whether through crafting or cartel coins.
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