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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Living up to the worst company in US again,,


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Dude dont be so hard...is not like they use to launch unfinished games, or ninja removing the option for unsubscribe, sell free content annonced years ago as a Xpac for 8€, milk people with half empty gambling boxes, not remove annoucemntes of pre-access long time after it expires or dont listen their customers feedback about broken mechanics...



Take this game as example , they did so well that turned it free to play just to let more people play !!!! ... And YAHOOO! Now , after 1,5 years have almost the same amount of free to play acounts CREATED as players they lost since launch....WoW that is a good thing. (I have 2 unused f2p accounts that i made for test if could run multiple istances of the game). 2 m of accounts CREATED, wow , really awesome, wonder how many real players is that....


EA is awesome dude, awesome (that means the A from EA)

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