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RotHC 2.0 Pvp spec?


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With the new changes in 2.0 - I think sents are in a decent place for pvp.


Which specs are you using to take out imperials? ;)


What do you mean "with the new changes"- we were already "in a decent place" lol. We're actually relatively weaker compared to the other classes now, not because we got nerfed but because a lot of other classes/specs are viable now (df scoundrels, tk sages, gunnery mandos, vig guardians?, prob vanguard tank, and prob not mando heals-unless the player really knows what they're doing and the comp supports it). It seems like skill matters more than class/spec now more than before so that's good. It isn't absolutely mandatory for every team to have a sent anymore, because scoundrel roll might make transcendence unnecessary for start of the game. Most teams will still have a sent though, but probably not two like a lot of teams were running before.


I played a couple games as each spec yesterday. Watchman probably still doesn't have the burst it needs for ranked but it's sustained dmg is definitely good. Combat is less reliable now because autocrit blade storm procs off opportune strike instead of ataru form, but the dispatch and precision slash reset procs are nice. Focus is still strong, less reliant on the smash itself, better sustained dps. Oh and no team bubble stun :)

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6 second cd merciless slash makes for some pretty brutal burst. Dot stack, zen, merciless slash with 4 stacks, master strike, merciless slash again right after. Watchmen has more focus than it knows what to do with now. Then again I don't play ranked because the combat system doesn't really lend itself to competitive play.
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6 second cd merciless slash makes for some pretty brutal burst. Dot stack, zen, merciless slash with 4 stacks, master strike, merciless slash again right after. Watchmen has more focus than it knows what to do with now. Then again I don't play ranked because the combat system doesn't really lend itself to competitive play.


Merc slashes within 6 secs of each other does not constitute a relative amount of burst, even combined with master strike (and you can't quite merc slash>master strike>merc slash, you have to fit 1 gcd in before the 2nd merc slash). I've been playing watchman in 55 wzs today, as well as a couple games in the other 2 specs, and while it's good at sitting on a healer, actually bursting through their heals enough to kill them might be a different story. And you won't get away with sitting on a healer in ranked -where ppl actually peel- which is the perspective I approach these discussions from (sorry if your server doesn't have good ranked play/ you haven't gotten into a good team yet). Also, even in reg wzs the watchman damage output is much lower than focus, and while it's still pretty close to combat's output, it doesn't have the utility of combat or as much burst. It's my favorite spec though and it's not unviable for reg wzs by any means so I'll probably still playing it a lot during my reg wz gear grind.


Also, lol at "Watchmen has more focus than it knows what to do with now". The new talent that gives you focus when you crit a burning target is certainly noticeable, but when youre merc slashing every 6 secs, that does take up a lot of focus. Not that I'm saying the focus management is terrible now or anything.

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