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Story of Cherris, from street punk to Smuggler


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Chapter one-eight years old


My name is Cherris. I have been on the streets of The smuggler's moon for about four years now, since my parents were killed by some gang. Since then I met Zhaltra, a Zabrak who was left by her parents. The two of us ended up surviving my scavenging parts from droids and selling them. Our home was an abandoned building where the power relay was originally used to power a Hutt factory. We looked one day after I rewired the thing to power the building's defenses (I am quite intelligent), and saw what looked like a Togruta in robes messing with the power relay.


"Get away from there," I said, making her turn around.


"This is no place for children," She said.


"I made this place protective, and we survive," I told her


"Listen, Let me make this simple," Zhaltra told her, "Back away and we won't hurt you."


The woman told us she was a jedi, that her name was Bela Kiwiiks, and that the power being siphoned here was causing blackouts to most of the district. She offered us credits and told us she would speak to the Hutt that asked her to fix the power issue (The hutt seemed to care somewhat for the people he was in charge over) about giving us a place to stay. we decided not to mess with a jedi and she gave us what seemed like a mountain of credits for us to survive on. We smiled and went on our merry way.


End Chapter one


yes, the story is in Cherris's p.o.v, so no one get mad.

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Chapter Two-Working for the Hutt Cartel




Our boss Damrosch, was probably not pleased with my outburst, though one can never tell with Hutts. His 'translator' as i called the guy, told us "We need more experienced people for this job."


"We can get the job done," Zhaltra spoke up, earning a small smile from me, "We have survived on the streets for four years before we asked for work from you. Since eight we were on the streets, and we survived thanks to Cherris' brains"


Damrosch then laughed, leaving me unsure of his reaction.


"Damrosch is pleased with your determination to live that long, and at eight, he thinks you would be fit for the job now," his translator said.


We left Damrosch's office and I pulled Zhaltra to the side.


"Thanks for helping with that slug," I said, "was getting annoying arguing with him all the time."


"No problem, pal," She said, lightly slugging my shoulder. I laughed and we headed for the docks...


End Chapter Two

Edited by stormdrakelord
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Chapter Three-Love is in the Air


I was sitting there looking at Zhaltra. For the past two years, I have begun developing romantic feelings for her, and been trying to ignore them, as she is my friend. I have never told her how I felt because I did not want to risk our friendship. This day was different, as my feelings were too much for me to ignore anymore. I got up and walked over to her.


"Zhaltra," I said, "I need to talk to you."


"About what?" she asked.


"I tried to ignore it, but i can't," I said, "I love you, as more than a friend."


Zhaltra was staring at me for a second and then she did what I did not expect her to do. She kissed me, right on the lips. I was shocked at first, then returned the kiss. The kiss ended and the Zabrak was looking into my eyes.


"It's about time you said it," She said.


"You knew?" I asked.


"Well, you weren't exactly subtle about your ogling me," she said eliciting a laugh from me.


The next day I was in bed with Zhaltra and woke to find her snuggled up against me.


"Zhaltra?" I asked


"What?" she said tired.


"I did not know you were a cuddler," I said


She laughed and we got up and ready for the day, heading to Damrosch's for our next job.


End of Chapter Three

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Chapter Four-Beginning the dream


"So, this junk heap yours, babe?" Zhaltra, my girlfriend asked.


"Yes it is mine," I said, "And it is not a junk heap, I won it off of Damrosch in a job challenge.


"I was just teasing, love," She said, kissing me.


"Yeah, i think maybe it is time to split," I said.


"You're breaking up with me?" Zhaltra asked


"I just think we both need to get more experience in that area," I said


Zhaltra grew angry, hit me, and finally left. I got on the ship and took off of Nar Shadaa. That was the beginning of my new life as a smuggler, flying illicit goods from one planet to another getting paid, though I was primarily in it for the thrill of it. I would never be tied down again.


End of Chapter Four

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Chapter Five-Silverstar Rebellion


I was heading to a planet in Imperial space. The planet was in different civil wars since the Empire conquered it 50 years ago. The leaders of this resistance movement is the Silverstar Family, formerly owners of a trading company. the family conquered an area and use it as a spaceport for ships to deliver supplies and weapons. I was landing when I ran to Kiana Silverstar, the woman whose father was leading the resistance. Kiana was young, silver-haired, with big blue eyes. She was of average build, but could hold a blaster rifle with the boys. When I was close enough, I could tell she was eyeing me up, likely for something that is either dangerous, or pleasurable.


"Hey," She said, "You are the captain who brought our weapons right?"


"Yeah," I said, "Hutts are paying me to get these weapons here."


"Thanks, I will take being ruled over by those slugs over being bossed around by these Imps," She said. "Though I am afraid I need to ask for your help a bit more."


"I do not come cheap," I said.


"I can't pay anything myself," She told me, "But my father used to own a trading company, so we are willing and able to pay credits."


"I am sensing a but in there," I told her.


"But, I am willing to give a different kind of reward," She said,


"What did you have in mind?" I asked.


"maybe this will help you figure it out," She said, before kissing me, in front of the resistance soldiers, who did not bat an eyelash.


"Well, I can stay a little while," I said, getting her to smile.


She said that right now, they need help with training, and hitting some key points in the Imperial army. I offered to teach some of my skills in droid slicing and explosives making to aid them, and lead a small contingency of saboteurs to take out the key points. She showed me the key areas, which were too close to the base, so my new team had to drive them back. That was easy, and earned a few more people for the cause. This made the Empire retreat for a bit, giving the resistance some breathing room. I got my reward from both Kiana and her father, and the reward from Kiana was much better than the credits. When I went to leave, she told me that she had a private holofrequency, gave it to me and told me to call her sometime, I smiled and said I might, but that I am not looking for romance or to settle down right now.


"See you around then," She said, giving me another kiss, "Maybe you will change your mind about that romance thing next time we meet."


"Maybe," I teased.


After getting on my ship and leaving, I noticed she slipped a locket with herself inside into my pocket. I smiled.


End of Chapter Five

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