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Skewed Lives


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My attempt at a short story.

Minor spoiler detail from JK story.




Skewed Lives.

on board a BT-7 Thunderclap.

Rose woke up from her slumber to a room lit by a red light. The hum of the ship was there as always, but that wasn't what woke up the Major. The dream (or nightmare) that had woken her up had already slipped from her memory with only the vague feeling of loss left in its wake. She swung herself out of the bed, hit the light button and the room went form a red lighted room to a florurecent blue-white room. Walking to the head to take care of those bodily functions, she groaned. She saw that her sleep was interrupted halfway thru sleep time.


As she went to the washbasin, washing her face, she looked at herself. She was amazed that three years had gone by since joining the Army and no visible scars on her face. Three years since Ord Mantell, the defection of Havoc Squad, and the journey from there to here.

"A lifetime since i left home." she mused.

She then heard a very loud duscussion happening on the otherside of the ship. Knowing that only Elara and HK-51 was on board the ship now. She went to see what got Elara upset. Walking across the deck to the sickbay where Elara was at, she now could discern what troubled her friend.

"Alexi, what are you thinking. "

"Elara, this is my decision. You made the choice to join the Army. I can't sit back and allow the people who allowed me my freedom to fight this war. I can be of use to them. My knowledge of Imperial tactics can help keep casualties down."

" You can do that just as well back on Coruscant in intelligence, not on the front lines. If they capture you, you wont be just shot, but tortured."

"What about you, dear sister?"

"Got you there, Elara." piped the major from the door.

"Rose, Major." "Major"

"How are you doing, Alexi?" asked Rose.

"About to head out with my new unit. I wanted to talk to Elara, but as you can see.."

"You kept this from me."

Rose shook her head, then walked to Elara. "Alexi, can you put your CO on the line, please?"

"Sure" "Hey Captian, someone wants to speak you."

After a few moments, Alexi gave way to his new CO. Someone rather familiar to the Havoc squad members.

"JORGAN. Aric Jorgan is my brother's CO. But how can that be..." a dumbfounded Elara muttered.

"Captian Jorgan, Captian." as the Cathar gave a deadpan response. Then, a very big smile came to his face. "It felt wrong not to have a Dorne around, and since Ice kept you, i got someone who could fill that role."

"Alexi contacted me about joining the Army, and especailly SpecFor. Gave Aric here a headsup to look for him. " as a smirk came from the Major's lips.

Elara was just shocked, not only that Alexi kept this from her, but that Rose and Aric had conspired to watch for him and make sure he was in a unit that would appreciate his backgound and talent. Tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke. "Aric Jorgan, you better take care of my brother."

"Aye, Aye Captian" as Aric saluted. He gave back the comm unit to Alexi. "Make your goodbyes, Dorne. Transport leaves in five."

Alexi came back on the line and addressed the Major. "Thank you, Major. I don't know if this would have been possible without you."

"You are a part of this family, Alexi. And you did all the heavy lifting, all I did was chirp in the right ears. Take care of yourself and Jorgan." Rose left the room to allow the siblings to say thier goodbyes.

In the gallery, Rose prepared two drinks. One was warm green tea that Elara prefered, one was root beer milkshake, which was for her. On cue, a red-eyed Elara came into the galley. She accepted the hot tea and sipped some of it as she sat down. Rose leaned on the counter waiting for her to talk.

"So when did Alexi contact you?"

"Just before Corellia, 4 months ago."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Not my place"

"So how did he get into Jorgan's unit?"

"When we were ordered to split up Havoc squad, I told Jorgan that Alexi had passed bootcamp, and was on accelerated training to get him in the field. Jorgan and I agreed that Alexi should be in one of our units. So we used a couple of our many favors and got him in Jorgan's unit. "

"So that's why he didn't get upset with you asking me to stay in Havoc Squad?"

"Part of it. Still suprised that Vik went with him." mused Rose.

"I am suprised that Vik still in the Army." said the seated Elara.

"Aric thought that keeping Vik on a leash was easier then breaking in a new demo expert."

"Speaking of which, when do we get to meet the new members of the unit, Rose?"

"Whenever Yuun comes back from his walkabout. I have a demo expert already lined up, so when Yuun comes back, we go and get him. Then see if we can find some more Havoc worthy canidates."

Rose walked over and sat next to Elara. She then gave a hug to her friend. "I would do anything to keep you, Aric, Yuun, Alexi, and my friends back home from this war. But since the Emperor has decided to try to make our home his charoit to ascension, I am damn well going to put them in the best place to keep as safe as possible and if the end come to them, to have freinds and family near them to help ease the jouney home." Rose then wiped a tear from her eyes.

"I don't want to lose him, after we got back together. He's all the family i have left." said Elara through her sobs.

"And that's why he's with Aric. Aric won't put him in any situation he can't handle. Trust the surly Cathar, Elara. After all, he hasn't let us down yet."

They released thier embrace. Both were wiping tears form thier eyes, as a small smile crept across Elara's face.

"Time to get some sleep" as Elara got up and walked to the hatch. Ice got up and walked over to her quarters, as Elara entered hers. Just then they both turned to each other.

"Thank you, Icerose. I can't keep count of the number of things, large and small, you have helped me with. I don't know how i will ever repay you."

"We are sisters, Elara. Not in blood of our parents, but by our actions and words. You won't have to repay any of your debts, for there is none to be repaid. Good Night, Elara Dorne."

"Good Night, Rose O'Connell"










Edited by Icerose
reason why in spoiler
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