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New skill tree, and no ide what to do now


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I was using a PvE build before the new patch (31/7/3). And i was so happy with it couse PvE wasn't a problem and flashpoints where like a walk in the park with good healer. The problem is now I have no idea what build should I make to get same effect. I'm rather a casual player and this new skill trees overwhelm me:P.

Can anybody help with some suggestions?

Edited by Danoniasty
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What I personally did for my Sent (Watchman as well) is to dump 36 points into the watchman tree so that you still have Merciless Slash. What you do after that is up to you. For me, I'm dumping 7-8 points into Combat for the Dual Wield Mastery for increased damage on my offhand. Then probably 2 points into focus for the increased Force Critical.


I'm still flitting around the 36 points in the Watchman tree for filler talents that I like, because I haven't exactly tested out Zealous Ward.

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Well, I don't have early access, so I'm stuck at 50 for the moment. Currently I'm running 36/2/3


I skipped Recompense and Inflammation, for the same reasons as they're always skipped - they're just not very useful in PVE (in fact, I'm not sure Recompense is any good in PVP either). To get to Merciless Slash, I had to make a decision between Force Fade and Zealous Ward. I didn't really want to take either one, but I had to in order to progress up the skill tree.


I ended up choosing Force Fade, since the duration + speed boost for Force Camo will at least have some utility (even if I'd rather invest the points elsewhere). Zealous Ward, on the other hand, seems pretty pointless. 2% health back every 1.5 seconds for the duration of Saber Ward (6 seconds) works out to a maximum of 8% health every three minutes (and that's assuming Saber Ward is used on cooldown, which it shouldn't have to be). I don't think that's going to do anything for your survivability.


For points in other trees, I'll have to play around with them at level 55, but for now, I don't have enough points to reach Dual Wield Mastery or Defensive Roll in the Combat Tree. I chose Defensive Forms because the extra Centering is always nice, and I decided that the 6% force critical was more valuable than the 3% accuracy boost. I'll have to test these out more - especially choosing between the critical and accuracy booss.

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I am at 25 lvl so i should just put everything in watchman tree for now, and after that thinking about other two trees?

I would like to have dual mastery and defensive rool, but in the other hand Insight is needed as well. I recon that I will have to make a decision, couse I can not have all of them.

Edited by Danoniasty
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Once you're past level 20, I would spec purely into Watchman, since it gets some of its main tools earlier than Combat. Pre-2.0, Combat only started to shine once you hit 40, and now you might have to be an even higher level. In endgame, both are viable, and it's really a matter of preference, but pre-40, Watchman is probably the better choice.
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