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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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Why would i make a sarcastic post about killing deyvon too? Because people are bragging like its some big thing. Not just here but elsewhere. Because what was, outside of the warrior/knight bracket a fairly smoothly run and sportsmanlike event is going to be remembered for the crapstorm over the marauder bracket and snarkiness about denetrin's spec, and the bitterness over it is starting to spread into any thread that mentions the people involved, the tournament itself, warriors in general, duels, pvp, warzones, et al.


Being a good player doesn't mean you don't occasionally get RNGed, or caught with a cooldown off, or have your hand misplaced on the keyboard for a crucial moment. Being beat once in a while doesn't somehow automatically toss you down with the folks who cant bust 75k in warzones, and "best at X TOR class on rp server" is kind of low hanging fruit achievement wise anyway unless you can also manage to be a little tongue in cheek about it. With players willingness to follow anyone moving, the 1v1 on this server in a warzone that actually matters is rare as hens teeth, and the people who cant hold out vs 1 person long enough for help to arrive aren't worth bragging about beating 1v1 anyway.


And since its kind of getting to the point that every thread is contaminated by someone being *****y about pvp and their warrior/knight pecking order I thought i'd come be an *** hole in these threads in the hope they'd turn into some DIFFERENT sort of crap pile instead of the same crap pile that threads devolve into when posts like the ones i responded to start getting thrown around.

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No it's purely coincidence that 90% of the supposed great players are jedi knights/sith warriors of course. Then there are literally 4 or 5 really good stand out pvp players for each of the other classes. That is all coincidence. Edited by NathanielStarr
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Why would i make a sarcastic post about killing deyvon too? Because people are bragging like its some big thing. Not just here but elsewhere. Because what was, outside of the warrior/knight bracket a fairly smoothly run and sportsmanlike event is going to be remembered for the crapstorm over the marauder bracket and snarkiness about denetrin's spec, and the bitterness over it is starting to spread into any thread that mentions the people involved, the tournament itself, warriors in general, duels, pvp, warzones, et al.


Being a good player doesn't mean you don't occasionally get RNGed, or caught with a cooldown off, or have your hand misplaced on the keyboard for a crucial moment. Being beat once in a while doesn't somehow automatically toss you down with the folks who cant bust 75k in warzones, and "best at X TOR class on rp server" is kind of low hanging fruit achievement wise anyway unless you can also manage to be a little tongue in cheek about it. With players willingness to follow anyone moving, the 1v1 on this server in a warzone that actually matters is rare as hens teeth, and the people who cant hold out vs 1 person long enough for help to arrive aren't worth bragging about beating 1v1 anyway.


And since its kind of getting to the point that every thread is contaminated by someone being *****y about pvp and their warrior/knight pecking order I thought i'd come be an *** hole in these threads in the hope they'd turn into some DIFFERENT sort of crap pile instead of the same crap pile that threads devolve into when posts like the ones i responded to start getting thrown around.



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You do realize that the PvP on both pvp servers and rp servers are the same pretty much, there is really no skill level difference. I know cause I have characters on both servers, just sayin'. And no, I'd you look under the...dang I'm drawing a blank, anyways there's a topic here where people pick who they think are the best from all classes, hell I play a marauder but I think some of the best people in the game are operatives or snipers.
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Just started into Makeb. I put some good time into it and am finding it a welcomed change. I notice the emphasis on large groups of enemies as opposed to the single more difficult person. I have to wonder, those who didn't prepare or have relatively good gear for this, how are they holding up. I couldn't imagine getting content downed with anything less the black hole.
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Just started into Makeb. I put some good time into it and am finding it a welcomed change. I notice the emphasis on large groups of enemies as opposed to the single more difficult person. I have to wonder, those who didn't prepare or have relatively good gear for this, how are they holding up. I couldn't imagine getting content downed with anything less the black hole.


I did all of Makeb (except for the H4's) in my level 50 PVP gear and it got a little tougher near the end but was still very manageable. For people just hitting 50 and still in their leveling gear (I imagine you don't get free Tionese anymore) I imagine it could get a little rough. Fortunately they hand out planetary comms like candy and there's 58 armoring, mods, and enhancements (I remember paying 2 million credits each for Guardian 58's back when they didn't have moddable PVP belt/bracers, now it's practically free) available on Makeb for planetary comms.

Edited by LaVall
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