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Looking for former Iron Citadel players for ranked pvp after 2.0


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Hey Yall,


So some of the old guard may remember me from back in the Iron Citadel days. I played Dangeroso (powertech) /Inquisition (vanguard).


I was wondering if any of the old schoolers are still around and want to get together for some rated pvp after 2.0.


If anyone knows where Tide or Taxman (I heard they still play a bit) ended up and can give me their names on their new characters I'd be obliged.


Anyone else interested let me know. Me and a few of the old Sith Stained Boots crew are coming back for some lvling and pvp and would like to get together with some old, friendly faces.


Drop me a line on Dangeroso or Frankenberryz or here on the forums.


Thanks to everyone from IC for checking this thread out and "Hola" to all the new people from PotF.



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tidecupiscence/tidexy/jellytide/chiss are all the ones i can think of for Tide. Haven't seen Taxman in a long time. Some more of the IC people are in Old School. There's also myself (Mawgwi) but I'm on a different account now and Busy we're wandering about. Kharns/Dakohawk and a few of the other pubs are also around as well. Hope this helps and good luck to you.
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