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Video troubles


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Im having some video troubles in game. I run Windows 7 64 pro, 8gb RAM, using an EVGA Nvidia GeForce 8800 GTS 640mb DDR3 Video Card. When I first started the game I had zero troubles video wise while playing the game. Recently in about the last month, I get tearing/stretching of graphics on mainly the NPC's, my character, and companions.


I've done a client repair, via the launcher tool. Cleaned and checked the fans that help to keep the card cool. As well as making sure the main fan on the card is in working order.


Has anyone else experienced any graphic anomoly? Im trying to determine if my card is going out or if perhaps I dont have enough card anymore to run SWTOR. Or perhaps maybe the last couple driver upgrades I've done are to blame.

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I think you put this on the wrong board. This board is to discuss Star Wars in general not the game. However, I also had a 8800 gts card and that is the exact problem I had before it died on me. After I replaced the card, once it completely stopped working, it fixed my problem.
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