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new ships, missed opportunity with makeb?


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Was thinking there is a missed opportunity to have introduced new ships/mixed the ships over classes a bit with the new makeb expansion. Its pretty paltry to have 3 ships per faction and it would be great to be able to quest for new ones. I know someone will bring up the super secret space project but really? no one still believes that do they? if it was real any more (I do think it was, but it got binned the moment they realised TOR was sinking 6 weeks after it launched) they would have something to show and they don't.


Even is SSSP is real I would still like to see some new ships

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Expansions are always an opportunity to introduce new things. Just because the thing that you personally wanted isn't added doesn't mean the expansion misses an opportunity or fails in any way. Edited by Icebergy
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Expansions are always an opportunity to introduce new things. Just because the thing that you personally wanted isn't added doesn't mean the expansion misses an opportunity or fails in any way.


you deny there was opportunity? or are you just trying to look smart while being dumb? although its my post (personal) I am certain I am only one of a majority who would want MORE starships in starwars. I didn't say at any point makeb fails, I'm looking forward to it

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