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The Cartel Barber Shop


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I know it is said its coming in early summer... however is there any way we can get a more concrete date???


They also said Cathar were coming in fall of 2012... and that didn't happen.


June. That's their next big content update.


It's been confirmed already that the next big update will be a Quality of Life update.


We know they are adding features like The Barber Shop, Cathar, and hood toggle. Based on what's been said it sounds like all of these features will be arriving some point in the Summer.


They haven't said that those will all arrive in the same update, but all those upcoming features are avatar focused elements so it wouldn't be a surprise if the June update was a avatar/character focused update.





Forgot that the second week of June is E3 so they'll obviously announce things there and will brag about the features they've recently added to the game. The next content update would fall within the date range of E3.

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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June. That's their next big content update.


It's been confirmed already that the next big update will be a Quality of Life update.


We know they are adding features like The Barber Shop, Cathar, and hood toggle. Based on what's been said it sounds like all of these features will be arriving some point in the Summer.


They haven't said that those will all arrive in the same update, but all those upcoming features are avatar focused elements so it wouldn't be a surprise if the June update was a avatar/character focused update.





Forgot that the second week of June is E3 so they'll obviously announce things there and will brag about the features they've recently added to the game. The next content update would fall within the date range of E3.


FWIW, I would consider a barbershop more QOL than content. Having said that, I think your time frame is probably correct.

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I hope they can make the hood of my cloak not show up so I can see the benefits, or else its just more time were going to have to wait


Are asking for a hood toggle feature or are you asking for the hood to not show up on the model/armor at all in the down position, ie remove the completely from the model, because I don't think you're going to see that unless the specific art/armor asset doesn't have a hood down graphic.

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Are asking for a hood toggle feature or are you asking for the hood to not show up on the model/armor at all in the down position, ie remove the completely from the model, because I don't think you're going to see that unless the specific art/armor asset doesn't have a hood down graphic.



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