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Combat or watchman help

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So a quick background, I am not new to swtor or mmo's, I have a conqueror scoundrel and feel I am above average on skill level. Meaning I am not unbeatable, and I understand rotations and PvP strategy, but of course I have room for improvement.


However I am having trouble with Watchman and Combat specs. I understand the general rotations for each, but I just feel weaker and less valuable to my team when using these specs. I of course have pretty much stayed focus spec. After playing almost a year exclusively on my scoundrel, I wanted something easier, since Scrapper scoundrel is one of the hardest specs to play and be good at. I enjoy my smash monkey, but at the same time I honestly don't like playing the FOTM. I have given combat several attempts, but i always get frustrated because I don't feel as bursty... Even though the rotation from combat is supposed to have some of the main burst for Sent. It just seems like every time I start my burst rotation the enemy interrupts my master strike or someone close by uses a knock back or pull and my master strike gets interrupted again. Is this just a common thing that you have to deal with as combat?? or am I missing something else to help me get my burst out.


As for watchman, I have looked into the rotation for that spec, but again do not feel as strong or bursty in the spec.


So what am I missing?? or am I just missing practice??


EDIT* I know sentinel, regardless of spec, could be considered a FOTM class... However it was the only other class that I enjoyed leveling. I have a 37 guardian, 45 sage and 50 sniper. I refuse to play shadow since I already have a stealth class, and either trooper class doesn't seem fun to me.

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Hey there. I have a battlemaster sorc healer and another battlemaster operative healer and a 7 year wow pvp history. I am currently playing as sentinel and i must say you are not doing anything wrong. Almost every player knows the ravage/master strike ability and i must say they are so hurt by it they even choose to interrupt the sentinel instead of the healer casting nearby. Using combat spec in pvp is more for its utility such as the increased speed on transandence. The burst not being too strong is of course a big issue but at least you wont have to wait to get 4 stacks of something to make damage. The talent which allows Force Camouflage to break movement effects is just a must-take ability to kill snipers and i also (at least for me) find combat spec much better to disturb healers than watchmen. So i say keep it simple and use combat or focus but hey 2.0 is upon us so all this may change:)
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Practise. Combat/Watchman specs for Sentinels are difficult to get just right, especially in PvP. I laugh when people call Sentinels FOTMs. Focus Sentinels/Rage Marauders are FOTMs. The other two specs require a lot of practise and thought.
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I like combat alot, but I hate how easy it seems to have the burst rotation interrupted. Focus is the FOTM because its easy. Sadly I often roll Focus because I already play one of the most difficult specs in the game, Scrapper Scoundrel. So part of me hates being a FOTM, but at the same time its fun to not have to really think to play that spec. I think I'll level from 50-55 as combat and see if that doesn't give me some decent experience to start really giving the spec a shot in PvP.
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My main is a Sentinel and I've been Watchman since the outset. I am almost exclusively PvE, which is where Watchman excels. Conversely, it is the most difficult to do PvP with, largely because its damage is sustained vs. burst and its DoTs can be cleansed. If you're doing PvP, I hear Focus is the clear choice, but Combat is also do-able. If you're doing PvE, your choice is between Watchman and Combat. (Focus has limited utility in Ops.)


The trade-offs between Watchman and Combat, from my perspective, are as follows: Combat has greater single target burst power, but is a bit squishier and has fewer utility powers. I also hear that 2.0 is causing it some resource management issues. Watchman has better survivability (e.g. self-heals) and utility powers (more interupts, e.g. 0m leap), but has a longer ramp up to get damage burn damage and minimum CD on Merciless Strike rolling. Also the stacks of Merciless drop off rather quickly, so if there's any significant pause in the action you have to build up again. I've heard that 2.0 will make resource management easier for Watchman.


Personally, I've enjoyed Watchman quite a lot. I've not tried out Combat, but there are plenty of folks who swear by it too. You may need to play with each to see which fits you better.

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Try playing with your rotation. I'm going to take a stab in the dark and guess you open with force leap? While it is a damn good opener for closing the gap and gaining focus, try to keep from using it if you can (obviously there are times when it is a must!) If gaining focus is your main worry, try opening with Zealous Strike instead. It builds 6 focus right off the bat and has a 15 second cooldown (just in time for you next focus fix!)


That way, when they use a push back on your master strike, you can jump right back toward them and dish out damage with other abilities.


With combat, Aturu form is your bread and butter. If you're not using Aturu form 80% of the time, you should be. Also, be sure to max out defensive forms on your skill tree. With Aturu form, it gives a 15% base speed bonus, so you can catch up with your opponent if they try to run away (unless a inq uses force speed lol)

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For combat, bait with master strike. You usually get 2 ticks off before they use their knockback or stun to interupt, then hit them with your burst (blade rush spam in zen or proc a critical blade storm). The spec is built to demolish ranged and healers, so try to keep your focus on them.


Activate rebuke vs DoT classes.


Force camo is a great tool. Combat will use it to negate a sniper's cover pulse, but don't forget it reduces damage by 50%. If you're about to eat a smash or assualt plastique, hit force camo to cut the damage by half.


When you hear a pyrotech laugh, indicating he's procced a railshot, hit him with a pacify and laugh as it misses.


Activate zen every time you've built enough centering (you should be putting points into the watchman tree to increase centering generation). Save you valorous call for when you need to pop transcendence (responding to inc call, burst of speed for huttball, etc).


When an operative or assassin opens up from behind you, quickly pop awe and face them to end their rotation. Utilize cauterize on stealth classes to force them back out of stealth if they don't cleanse (you'd be surprised at how many don't).


With all your roots you make an excellent healer peeler, inc delayer, ball carrier hunter, and cap stop prevention. There are numerous ways you can help your team win that doesn't show up on the scoreboard. In novare I'll often delay a group of 3 enemy reinforcements for 20-30 seconds while my team caps.

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