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Basilisk Droid - unofficial polish server


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just stop react on this forum, there is nothing what we can, only report them if they are talking to mutch jiberash on general/trade chat

and /ignore them


its the only way

and what im not agree with it, is that there is suddenly considert that basilisk is gonna be a unoficial polish server

so the devs has to make rules on it and make it clear to the polish players that it is a english server

allot of guilds are english speaking, and the national guilds, like some sweeds guilds for example, holding that rule also

so do somthing, becouse the responcebility lies with in BW


there are a couple servers left that isn't occupied, take them, becouse i think 2/3 of the people on basilisk are willing to speak/write english, and if the polish people not agreed with that, take a other server, or ask BW what to do, instead claiming an unoficial polish server

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I find it offensive that everyobody assumes we will spam polish in general chat. I have no idea (nor do I care) how it was in WoW. And for last week i didn't see much of polish in general chat. Sure there was some, but so was german, spanish and one more i couldn't identify :). And honestly, when i see how hypersensitive are guild leaders from biggest polish guilds to spamming our language in general chat, i do not think it will be a problem. :)
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the main problem is that allot of people are scared, including me

in the first months from wow, i saw from beiing a english server transforming in a unofficial italian server,

think about it, allot of pre launchguild are beiing put there in basilisk

it is an english server, i see that there are allot of difrent nationality's on it, but we speak mainly english in general chat

suddenly, we are seeing on this forum that a not english speaking community has claimed the server

now tell me, how does the english speaking community, or even the other national guilds, who honnor the rules to speak atleast english, how should they feel


on mine part, i don't give a danm, but there are rules, and the most people wanna see that atleast that in general or trade chat, is in english, but after a whille, that general chat has an impact, if that there to mutch of a other languange other then english, people start to leave


you can make for youre own community a difrent chat in youre own languange, no one has there anny problems, but atleast general/trade in english

it is a sign of respect to each other, and no1 is gonna whinne

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But the polish community does not "claim" the server nor anyone stated here that all general and trade is going to be in polish now. Ofc there are rules that need to be followed and the post was only meant to inform polish players which server to choose if they wonna play with lots of their national friends. Same thing happened on lets say Bloodworthy with it beeing sweeds community server and those things always happen in mmos.

Now if general is being spamed in any nonenglish language simply report and if enough people will remember about that button existing there should be no problem. The problem with people spaming is problem with single trolls not a entire community.

And now that I made my statement: yes, I am from Poland; no, I don't play on this server - I'm playing on non-any-unofficialcommunity server in multinational guild and no - I do not aprove anyone speaking not english on general chats on any server. But I don't have any problem about the very presence of those unofficial national servers.

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