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more freezing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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OK it im no expert in maintaining my computer so lets keep it simple for the past few months i have experienced constant freezing clean boot fixed it for a bit but it then but then the freezing came back all my drives are up to date as for the nature of the freezing it locks up my whole computer and i use windows 7 any help would be appreciated
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OK it im no expert in maintaining my computer so lets keep it simple for the past few months i have experienced constant freezing clean boot fixed it for a bit but it then but then the freezing came back all my drives are up to date as for the nature of the freezing it locks up my whole computer and i use windows 7 any help would be appreciated


Could be any number of causes unfortunately. I'm assuming this only happens with SWTOR and no other applications?


If that is the case it's most likely a graphics card/graphics driver issue. Beyond that, without seeing you setup etc. there's no way to be sure what the fix is. You can try different game settings to see if that helps. You already said you had updated graphics drivers and are probably running directx 9? If you're running Directx 10 you might try rolling that back to 9 as I don't believe SWTOR supports 10.


That's all that I can think of.

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In the majority of cases, if your entire system is "freezing" while running Windows 7, you want to start looking at hardware problems.


Earlier versions of windows could lock/reboot on various software problems. XP tried to fix most of these, but still allowed graphics routines (and some other hardware drivers) to lock the system if they misbehaved. Vista fixed this, and Win7 (and 8) are built upon the same design. At the moment, only hardware faults are expected to cause crashes, and software-based full-system crashes are actually pretty rare. In most cases, what looks like a software crash is either an optional reboot or a compounded hardware problem.


The result is that the nastiest thing a game can do with code (specifially: code problems) is to kill itself and send you back to your desktop. If it tries to do something it's not allowed to, the OS kills it. If it tries to use more memory than its allowed, the OS stops it. Some of the most common problems are overheating and power problems. And no, neither of those are game issues, even if you only see them when playing SWTOR. It's not SWTORs job to monitor your system's heat or power supply. That's your job.


Check to see if your video card temperature is going over 90C. Or if your CPU is going over 80C (though I'd start worrying at 70C, as it signals other components are going to be getting hot). How old is your system? Is it a desktop? If so, how old is the power supply? Is it cheap (less than $60 or part of a pre-built system from Dell, HP, Gateway, or some others)

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