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Immersion Suggestions


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So I'm sure some of these things have been mentioned before, but I'll spend the next 6 hours trying to track down every little bit. Anyway, SWTOR is a great game, but it has the potential to be SO much better. Now for me, SWG was the first MMO I ever played, and by god was it addicting, the player interaction was like no other, and the feeling of being, some random dude, was great. Now I know obviously you have a questline and everyone is a "hero" but when it comes to end game, that feeling is sort of lost, now if you ever played SWG (pre NGE) you'd know that PvP was VERY unique, due to being able to frequently interact with the opposing faction (since there were no "faction zones" really) it made PvP much more interesting, since TOR features 2 uniformed and official militaries/factions, that would be unrealistic, however there were some things that could make it... much better.


So one of the BEST features SWG had to offer was faction armor, for the empire there was imperial shock/scout/storm trooper armor, now if some sort of class based armor choices, at least this would make the thing where, everyone looks the same, at least have a purpose, and the PvP armor doesn't count (besides commando) since it in no way relates to your faction, besides looking "good" or "evil" for someone like me, if I'm an imperial sniper... maybe dressing the part of an imperial trooper for pvp at least would make it a bit more... immersive? Another thing SWG had was, faction pets, regardless of your professions, if you made enough rank you could start buying faction pets (even an ATST in the long run!) this made PvP much more interesting, having these kind of options could really make a battle in the middle of tatooine feel more like a battle and less like a bunch of dudes dressed in man jams and hoodies hitting eachother with glow sticks.


On that note, a suggestion for WZs, add some, huttball, being played 5 times in 2 hours makes me want to throw my computer in the lake, and make WZs... feel like WZs, instead of 8 on 8 fighting for turrets or a ball, expand the battleground, add more players, and add more objectives than capture the turret, throw the ball and so on, one thing I thought of would be LZs to control, and while you held them you would recieve reinforcements, these reinforcements would be made up of faction based NPCs, so if I took LZ Alpha, west whatever, every 2 minutes a squad (5 or so imperial troops) would be brought in) now obviously we're not talking about the level 50 guards at outposts which require a few players and a few minutes to take down, just some basic npcs that will take a few shots to go down, this would once again... add the feeling of it being a battleground, and not a bunch of guys smacking eachother with glow sticks.


The last thing I would like to note is that most of the planets lack open world PvP, probably due to it typically being in an open field and not really having any opportunity to use realistic tactics, add some urban areas that will offer more open world pvp options, since it's either raid the enemy base or fight in the open it's too repetitive, add some abandoned towns that quests will cause enemy players to run into each other at For example Mos Eisley on SWG was a frequent PvP spot, and what made it interesting was alleyways, cover options, maybe you could allow us to get onto low rooftops, so being a sniper feels like being a sniper... these simple tweaks give players the ability to actually go around and flank your enemies, things like this will make pvp much more immersive and entertaining here it is impossible to do so since 99% of it is in wide open fields which provide very little opportunity for unseen movement (btw please reduce the distance at which you see an enemy player's name to at least around 50m or so, because seeing someone from 300m out is ridiculous.


I could go on for days about things I'd love to see implemented and I really do hope someone actually considers these things (though I highly doubt they will) and I'm sure some people would agree with me, and you'd probably up your player subs if you made pvp at least a bit different from every other MMO.

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A few more things I would suggest, expand the planets, make them larger, even if it is just a clone of another area (like tatooine - basically copy-paste more desert) while obviously it's not THAT simple it's not that hard, this would give a place like tatooine the feeling a large empty desert with random settlements with a couple NPCs out and about... also... add "monsters" not those big scary rainbow looking spiky guys who go down in a few shots... I mean creatures that should be feared, like the Krayt Dragons from SWG... before NGE (where I could simply kite one and kill it in about 30 seconds) a Krayt or Rancor required multiple peoeple to take down, yeah, world bosses cool that's fine but there should be certain areas that people tend to avoid unless they're going in with a beefed up ops group and ready to take on a long fight. Creature run ins on SWTOR are not at all scary, also probably due to the fact that it seems every planet is so cheerful and brightly lit, there's no dark or sinister like Dathomir was, Rancor hunting was actually kind of freaky. I know someone will say go play an EMU, which I do have, but I also do enjoy some features of TOR, and would honestly like to see it succeed, but as of right now it feels like KOTOR with a bit of PvP to test your abilities, and that's about it.


Also... the ability to go prone would be great too for ranged classes, something about sneaking up in prone and taking that first kill shot made being a "sniper" more "sniper-like". And please increase the range of ranged weapons, you could do this and nerf other abilities, I'd gladly give up my explosive probe, scatter shot, pulse and suppressive fire for at least a 60m range, if you ask me the range should be somewhere around pistols - 30m, carbines - 45m, rifles 65m. that would make being ranged... well ranged I guess, on the flip side a ranged player should be much more vulnerable to melee damage, so if that jedi/sith is able to close the gap quickly enough, your likely not going to walk away from it. I always thought it was funny that a scoundrel or operative could basically go toe to toe with a sith/jedi in a melee fight, a force user who uses a light saber would likely be very skilled and deadly against a guy wielding a blaster rifle, for the closer ranged fighters, that use pistols and what not, since the attacking jedi would not have a great distance to cover then they should have more escape options available to them than a sniper. While I know these suggestions will likely be pushed aside and probably not even viewed, at least I can say I finally suggested my ideas I keep yapping about.

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Day night cycles. Player housing. Game lacks immersion of SWG.


Day and night cycles are impossible when each planet has a separate rotation, multiple suns, different versions of time passing etc. Can't be done.


Ship customization is on the "Soon" list, but with the F2P thing, it's prolly going to be a bit.


Game has plenty of immersion. Plus Galaxies was terrible post NGE and no amount of nostalgia will make me forget that. Galaxies died and there is no bringing it back.

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lmao agreed NGE was the complete downfall of it, had the most powerful rifle on my server made from insanely high quality materials, and then... nge happened and it was the same as everyone else's. D/N cycle would be awesome, even it it isn't to the T on different time scales for different planets, a global time would be better than, it's always daytime. Also SWG isn't exactly dead, check out galaxiesreborn.com, they've got a server up from the EMU, haven't spent much time on it though as I've been playing other games and TOR. Either way, I'd love if at least faction armor and some better open world pvp areas were implemented.
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