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Legacy of a Murderess


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Hi! Haven't posted anything here since before launch. This is the first part of a short story I wrote involving one of my characters, and I felt like sharing.



Two figures occupied the small room. The first, a human female, sat perfectly still in her chair. The second, a twi'lek and also female, was on her knees, chest deep in the console that dominated the small room. Rooting furiously through the seemingly endless amount of wires while maintaining a continuous stream of invective, the twi'lek known as Maihem was behind schedule and she knew it. Growing more and more frustrated, she was fighting off the need to break something when, suddenly, she found herself pinching the wire she needed between her fingers. She double checked the little paper tag on it, verifying that it was what she was after before reaching back and opening a pouch on her belt.


Gloved fingers pull out a tiny slicing tool before clipping it to the wire. A small light on it blinks red once, twice, then green. The woman backs up, pulling herself out of the console and settling back into her chair. She flashes a dazzling smile at the human before turning back to the main screen.


"See that Tyra? Back on track. Told you I was a natural."


Tyra said nothing, but it didn't matter because Maihem wasn't paying attention to anything but the screen in front of her anyways. A gloved finger activated the comm built into the collar of her bodysuit.


"The machine is on and I'm in. What am I looking for here?"


"Find the security directory. You need to disable the specific measures discussed in your briefing before we can gain complete remote access" said the voice on the other end.


Maihem dug around in menus and sub menus, muttering to herself the entire time. She shot a glance at the other woman.


"Feel free to help out." She got nothing but a silent stare in response and shrugged, turning back to the console. A few more seconds of looking found her the directory she was after. Crowing triumphantly, the twi'lek entered the access code she had been given. Now she just needed to-




The woman blinked at the screen. "Shut up Tyra. Not a word" she said, carefully re-entering the password.




Resisting the urge to punch the screen displaying the insolent red letters, Maihem leaned back in her chair, breathing carefully and considering her options. After a moment's hesitation she reached up to activate her comm again.


"The password you gave me isn't working."


"Odd. After you reset the access privileges it should have defaulted back to the system's stock codes."


"Wait, hold on. Reset the what?"


"The access privileges. The machine you attached tricks the console into thinking it's still brand new. Resetting the access privileges will revert all the passwords back to the default ones given by the manufacturer. This... this was all in your briefing."


"That was months ago. Staring at this screen for so long was quite literally mind numbing. Don't get snarky."


"Apologies, my lord" came the subdued reply, and the twi'lek smiled to herself. Hearing the honorific never ceased to please her. Born and raised a slave, her Force sensitivity hadn't been discovered until her teens. She was taken from her owner and, after spending years in the academy, she was finally a Sith and she was enjoying every second of it.


Correcting her mistake took only a minute, which she also spent muttering out loud.


"This is all your fault, you know, Tyra. I can't concentrate with you staring at me like that." Again, the human did nothing but stare silently. The twi'lek stuck her tongue out at the other woman, then triggered her comm unit.


"Alright, NOW I'm in. Let me just disable all the stuff and... ok, you should be good."


"Acknowledged. Wait one" came the response. The twi'lek nodded, then rolled her eyes at herself when she remembered that the person on the other end couldn't see her. She took the opportunity to stretch languidly in her chair, groaning contentedly as the tension in her back and shoulders was eased. She made a mental note to work on her posture in the future.


Studying some of the menus she could see caused the Sith to let out a low whistle, and as the pause dragged on, she hit her comm again. "Let me know if you need me to do anything else. This is the most comprehensive security system I've ever seen."


"It is quite impressive, isn't it? Now you know why we risked the exposure of so many different resources to get an agent on the inside. We could have spent a decade butting heads with this security suite and never gotten through. Your job here is done though, we've just gained full control. Phase two is active as of now."


"Phase two, acknowledged."


The twi'lek stood up, carefully brushing wrinkles out of her tight bodysuit, and taking one last look around the tiny room she'd spent the past few months sitting in, hour after hour.


"I'm not going to miss this" she declared, before turning to give the human woman another dazzling smile. "I am going to miss you though, dearest Tyra. I rather liked you, you know. How about a good-bye kiss?"


Tyra did nothing but glare back in silence, eyes glassy and the same look of shocked accusation frozen on her face from when Maihem had shot her earlier. The Sith frowned, continuing to speak as she pulled her hood back over her face, carefully sealing it to the collar of her suit.


"Fine, be like that. I had something special planned for you, you know. I spent weeks coming up with it. I would have savored it and it would have been very enjoyable, a kill worth remembering again and again, but no. Imperial Intelligence had to accelerate the timetable and I had to settle for just shooting you. Bloody Imperials. Ah well, needs must" the woman finished, unclipping her visor from her belt and carefully snapping it into place over her eyes.


Walking over to the room's only door, she opened it and entered the hallway, carefully stepping over the body stretched out on the floor on the other side. The man's body was laying face down, arm outstretched towards the door. He'd seen Maihem coming and had tried running to warn Tyra of the traitor in their midst, but hadn't quite made it. Not that it would have made any difference, since neither of them were armed and they needed Maihem's access code to start a system wipe.


"I'm leaving, Ky'lo. I'd say it's been fun, but it wasn't. This place was boring and you always smelled funny" the twi'lek Sith told the corpse. Reaching down, her fingers found the stealth generator riding in the small of her back, attached to her belt. She pressed a button and the circuits in her suit instantly warmed up. A moment later, the chameleonic fabric of her suit went to work, mimicking the surrounding environment and rendering her effectively invisible. The woman turned and set off, padding silently down the hallway, smiling to herself the whole way.

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