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The April 1st 2013 -Troll Yourself Thread


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OK.. I almost never create threads. But in the interest of April 1st frivolity and humor, and in the context of the trollish proclivities of gaming forums... I thought it would be cool to create a "self-trolling" thread for some good natured self-poking fun.


Huh? What? Well, I'm glad you asked. :D


Many of us here are veteran forum members, and we each have particular personality traits that I think are worthy of a little self-trolling for the pure humor of it. You know.. a little self-parody. So it works like this... rather then troll someone else, let's troll ourselves.


Please: no cross-trolling, just in this thread. 'kay?! :) And... if we keep it light hearted and fun self-reflections of oneself... we will not make for needless work for the Eric and the team.


I am happy to go first to get things rolling (note: put your self-troll self-dialogue in a quote box to distinguish it)

Andryah: :rolleyes: That's not a bug, that's an intended feature.

Andryah_as_self-troll: WUT?! are you nutz!? If I say it's a bug... it's a BUG! :mad:

Andryah: O'really? :p Odd, because it's right there in the patch notes...working as intended.;)

Andryah_as_self-troll: @#$%! Stop being a white knight Biodrone apoligist shill!!!! crawl back under your troll rock NAO!! I don't want you hear!

Andryah: Surely you see the irony in your last statment? .... and it's "here" not "hear" :p

Andryah_as_self-troll: That's it! I'm outta here... I quit! And I'm telling Bioware your are the reason!

Andryah your stuff... I can haz?? :D


Please To Note: No Andryah's were harmed in this faux portrayal of virtual crunchy trollishness. :D

Edited by Andryah
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I'll give it a try...


ZeroPlus: hmmm... searching SWTOR.COM and BIOWARE.COM for April 1st joke... can't find anything.

ZeroPlus_as_self_troll: congratulations! you found the April 1st joke!

ZeroPlus: what? no! there is no April 1st joke.

ZeroPlus_as_self_troll: exactly! that's it. you found it!

ZeroPlus: but... but... what?

ZeroPlus_as_self_troll: yeah... good one, isn't it?

ZeroPlus: are you trolling me?

ZeroPlus_as_self_troll: you think? /trollface


Yeah... it sucks, I know... but I really didn't find this year's April 1st joke, so I'm beginning to think ZeroPlus_as_self_troll is actually right... :(


UPDATE: Just refreshed the main page of SWTOR.COM. ZeroPlus_as_self_troll was wrong. :)

Edited by ZeroPlus
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Hey, you're 2 days late.

and you just necro'd a topic that should have been dead when the April 1st clock struck 12 midnight.


- April 2nd in all of America when I commented... Necro post? lol!

- Should have been dead before it was posted, so you are wrong again.

- This thread still sucks.

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- April 2nd in all of America when I commented... Necro post? lol!

- Should have been dead before it was posted, so you are wrong again.

- This thread still sucks.

^ this guy doesn't know the forum defaults to UTC (otherwise known as greenwhich meantime)

According to forum time, this thread is 2 days old.

Considering this is specifically an April 1st, time sensitive topic; you bringing it back from the dead, is the definition of necro.

- Should have been dead before it was posted, so you are wrong again.
You sir, are double wrong and imposing a triple standard. If you knew it should have been dead before conception, why did you bother to post in it in the first place? :confused::rolleyes:

Don't answer that question, just let the topic die. Stop postin', dawg.

Edited by Falensawino
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Me: This thread sucks

Everyone: Yeah, no kidding.


^^...Okay here goes.


ME: Andryah, you can't switch from being the official SWTOR "hall monitor" to the class clown.

You have spent the last year of your life "cross-trolling" into nearly every post on these forums that gets more than 5 views. When you post 800 times an hour, just flitting around, debunking an opinion here, and making a declaration there, no one wants to play around with your jokes.

"Troll-Me": Hyperbole. Your strawman argument highlights how self-entitled your opinion is. Eric and company wouldn't approve.

Me: I hope the sewage lines in your mom's basement blow up.

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^ this guy doesn't know the forum defaults to UTC (otherwise known as greenwhich meantime)

According to forum time, this thread is 2 days old.


^This guy doesn't know UTC is used on forums to standardize records of post entry times, and that forum activity doesn't occur in accordance with it the same way that it occurs in accordance with local times.


The thread was created at April 1 3:57 PM UTC and my post was made April 3 3:03 AM UTC - a difference of less than 36 hours. This means that it still wasn't two days old, even according to forum time. In fact, it was closer to being one day old than two. You are still wrong.


For someone bringing up UTC, you sure don't understand how our time recording methods work. The truth is that the only thing you really "understood" was the day of the month recorded on the post.


Also, it is spelled Greenwich Mean Time and it is not the same thing as UTC, even if they are close. UTC replaced GMT because it is more accurate.


Considering this is specifically an April 1st, time sensitive topic; you bringing it back from the dead can be considered necro.


A necro post is one that has been made in a thread that has remained inactive for a long period of time. You realize that less than a day and a half doesn't meet this criterion, so you have stipulated that the reference to a holiday makes it more time-sensitive. Let's examine that...


If what you are saying is true, then I guess we shouldn't have had any posts in holiday threads past their respective holidays, right? At the very least, there should have been an abundance of people grossing the posters out for "necroing" if your sentiment is the prevailing sentiment of the forum population.


Let's test that with a couple quick Google searches for two popular American holidays here on the forums:





These were just a couple among many pages of results, but I think you get the idea. I guess that blows the justification for your anal retentiveness, making it a rationalization instead of truth.


You sir, are double wrong and imposing a triple standard. If you knew it should have been dead before conception, why did you bother to post in it in the first place? :confused::rolleyes:

Don't answer that question, just let the topic die. Stop postin', dawg.


Your argument has been thoroughly dismantled.


My reason for posting was encourage the author to refrain from creating threads like this in the future, since no comments existed within the thread that would accomplish this effect. The real question is why the hell did you bother posting if you agree with me about the quality of this thread? Was it to show me how extremely ignorant you are, or are you so socially inept that you have to try to start and win (not in this case) internet forum battles with anyone you can in order to gain some sense of self-worth and importance? :confused::rolleyes:


You should take your own advice and refrain from posting, "dawg."

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^^...Okay here goes.


ME: Andryah, you can't switch from being the official SWTOR "hall monitor" to the class clown.

You have spent the last year of your life "cross-trolling" into nearly every post on these forums that gets more than 5 views. When you post 800 times an hour, just flitting around, debunking an opinion here, and making a declaration there, no one wants to play around with your jokes.

"Troll-Me": Hyperbole. Your strawman argument highlights how self-entitled your opinion is. Eric and company wouldn't approve.

Me: I hope the sewage lines in your mom's basement blow up.


I love you.

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