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Has any1 have bad lag with.....


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I have 2 680s with 16gig of 1600-2100mghtz of RAM, CPU: Intel 3770K Ivy Bridge.

I wanted to know if any1 has had any problems with some terrible lag with their Nvidia 600 series cards with the new driver 314.22. I am usually never stupid enough to dl a driver when it first comes out, because a lot of ppl can get bugs from them, but this was an WHQL Microsoft approved, so I dl'd it.


Now My Modem when I think about could be the problem when I just thought of it, as it is 5-7 years old, and is almost Kapoot , but I was playing almost all day today for the Double Xp, as I missed out on a day and a half because of my Modem. But I was doing Warzones, 1 in particular with the Grass and Snow where it was so damm laggy that when I tried to move I would be moved to another few feet in the wrong direction. 1 thing when I mention that it could be my Modem, may not be because another or 2 said they were having extreme lag issues to as I we were playing, or lack their of being able to play the WZ.


Now it could be that this driver is bad that had just been certified, and will have to maybe re-roll beck to the last driver I had, or did others with 2 of the 3rd or 4 most powerful Vid cards/GPUs that are worth about a thousand dollars, or it's my Modem, or it was our Server. I have very Powerful and good GPUs to.


What do u guys think.??, and if any of you ppl have 1 or 2 of this 3rd most powerful GPus would help even more, thanx.


P.S. I also had a cpl of times where on Fleet I had a lil' lag happened when it shouldn't have happened, and never did before with my GPUs/Vid cards.

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