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Looking for strong PVP guild


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I have reached level 50 on my Powertech and gotten him half geared in War Hero (saving rest of comms for 2.0) and can get top dps in match it seems about half the time even when i was in recruit gear. play objectives very well also. I am looking for a PVP oriented guild that has PVP teams running almost every night with premades for 50 and has a ranked team as well. Mumble or vent or teamspeak is a must. Please let me know if any guilds that meet such requirements are recruiting. Hate losing in pugs and prefer to run premades.
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Qdodgers are recruiting if you're interested. We're a work in progress, but won't stop until we have a competent ranked team. If you're willing to be apart of a building process for a ranked team and have the patience till we get a few more key players than we'd love to have you. If you want an invite, have questions, or want to group with us for a bit and see if you like playing with us whisper Seane, Ryand, or Lesseps.
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  • 4 months later...
lol...Even Cinerous needed a guild. :]


hahahaha oh god that was so long ago i forgot about it. technically i had a toon in unicorn stampede at the time but wasnt involved in the guild (had shelved my merc healer Cinerous which was my toon in unicorns at the time) so never did anything with unicorns until post 2.0 pretty much. lol i was so bad at the time too. acting as if it was a challenge to do top dps as a powertech pre 2.0. after 2.0 its a little harder to do any good dps on any of my toons cuz im pretty bad but every once in awhile i get put on an awful team and i can break 300k damage done ;)

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