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Pre-2.0: To Spend Comms or Not to Spend Comms?


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Hey all,


I just hit 50 with my scoundrel healer and I've got my ranked comms fully stacked and my reg comms about 2000 out of 2750. I'm in full recruit right now and would like to gear up some so I don't get annihilated (as badly). Thing is, with 2.0 only about 2 weeks away, is it worth spending my comms right now for a few pieces of war hero gear, or am I better off taking the beatings for now and saving my comms until after 2.0? Any advice on how best to spend (or not spend) my comms would be much appreciated.

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Just get warhero so you have good gear for 50-55. But save as much ranked coms as you can.

You have to get 2 new sets of gear anyways with 2.0.Getting 2750 normal coms is easy and takes

a few hours of hard work so just get geared up in warhero because recruit is garbage.

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I think its down to how far you can get gearing up now, can you get far enough fast enough for WH to make any real difference now, probably 4 to 5 items worth. In 2 its not going to matter as the new bolster is going to take over from all but the higher end pvp gear anyway. I would say, keep your coms topped up and spend on gear (NOT ranked comms) as and when you can but aim to keep topping off. When I can Im buying an item and making back the comms before buying anything else.
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Ok so I'm thinking I'll save my ranked comms, spend my normal comms on some WH pieces, but make sure I have a full stack right before 2.0 hits. Since this is my first 50, what's the ideal order to follow when buying WH pieces? i.e. Better to get a few smaller pieces or focus on the big ones like the chest piece?
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I'm going to get the ewh power relic, foremost for PvE, but I'm not even sure if it's worth spending comms on PvP gear for the journey between level 50 and level 55. We're going to be bolstered and if you spend time on makeb you won't have much time PvP'ing anyway. Edited by MidichIorian
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Well, I had a similar dilemma, but I decided to just get all my toons to the cap limit instead of spending any.

Currently on about 12k comms across all toons :X


Might want to spend at least 500 of each, if you plan on doing any PvP quests when 2.0 launches. Even doing 1 daily will waste 100 ranked comms if you turn it in -- and it might take you more than 1 day to get to 55.

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