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Should I ditch Scavenging or UT


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I just realized that the solution to my brokeness is going to be slicing, but I still want to level up my cybertech. I can't decide which one would be smarter to keep, so I'm hoping you guys can help me! What do you guys think? :)
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Drop UT. You can level off of just scavenging. You just wont be able to make the nice stuff without the UT materials. For leveling I find this far more convenient. and eventually when the AH picks up you will start to see all the UT items on there and you can use your slicing money to buy them for the times you want to make something nice.


Once you hit max level you will likely want to drop Slicing for UT if you plan on being a dedicated crafter. If you just want access to the nice items make them once and never craft again for anyone or for selling then you better off sticking with slicing/scav and buy the few UT mats you will need.

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