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Change color of Sticky thread text


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I was wondering if there is anyone else has issues with reading some of the sticky threads or posts that the forums moderators post. This is not intended to be a thread against the the forum moderators or anything, its just that the color of the yellow they use, against a dark background, really makes the text hard to read... Espeically when they are longer threads. I do understand its the yellow that is used in the beginning of the star wars movies, but would there be any way to get a darker shade of this color used, or maybe a different color in the background to make it easier to read?


I was reading through some of the newer ones, that are a little longer, and my eyes are burning, and I had to use eye drops after reading them. Anyone else having this issue?

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Might not be the best solution out there, but you can set the browser to just use colours defined by you. Some browsers let you do it at least, Firefox for instance. It's not ideal, but at least it's an option.
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