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Recruiting A Full Weekend Raid Team


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The Deathwatch is recruiting able and willing people to raid on Friday thru Sunday 9pm-12am Est


This will be a Push Raid Core We will strive to push through all operations as fast as possible.

Lookin For

One Sorc Healer

One Sorc Healer / dps willing to change if needed

One Assassin Tank

One Other Tank



Loot Rules will be dkp. Meaning that if your there on time you get points the more you raid the more Points you earn the more gear you get. This Dissolves the drama of oh he didnt do anything or oh i should of got that. you want it you bid on it. with the points you have earned from running ops with the team


IF interested Come apply on our site.



On Your post Make sure you say Applying for WHITE team. We have multiple raid teams running atm so when 55 comes we have a full op team ready to run. Or mail or pst Zakamuro or Sweettouch

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